Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



John }.feskell and others, which prosecution is founded on Mr. Mayor's com- mitting the prosecutors for Quarteridge, ordered, that the prosecution be .. defended at the expense of the Corporation, and that Mr. Hoare, agent, take care thereof. That a further sum of £1 00 be paid to the trustees of S. Stephen's Hos- pital, on account of the loan of £920 formerly borrowed for building Skiddy's and Bretridge's Almshouses. That £8 18s. 5ld. be paid Robt. Hoare, Esq., expenses of obtaining a Com. of the Peace for Saml. Hoare, Esq., one of the Surveyors at Cove. That £1 158. 3d. be paid the Revd. Michl. Tisdal, for a large Bible and .,.... Common Prayer Book, for the use of the poor Prisoners of the City Gaol ; also £1 08. 9d. to Francis Evans, 'Change Porter, for sand, &c.; also £8 98. 3d. to Wm. Whitney, upholsterer, for a Guard Bed for the officer of the Main Guard; also £14 178. 7!d. to Isaac Bussy, chandler, for candles from 27 Oct., 1757, to 7 Oct., 1758. That Richard Burtt, glazier, who served Tho. Dyer, be admitted free at large. That a Committee be appointed for repairing the Exchange, &c., the Guard-room at Blackpool, and the several Sentinal boxes. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Parkes ; Ald 811 • ,Jackson, Farren, W estropp, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Reilly, Harding, and Philpott. 2 Dec., 1758. The Mayor was obliged to break up for want of a sufficient number, but Ald. Wrixon came in and made a full Council.- Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Whereas Richard Kennyrick, by a warrant under the hand and seal of ~ the Mayor, lately dredged for oysters in the river of Oork near the lands of Ballybickan, and that one Derby Bohilly by force took from said Kennyfick his dredge, and carried same away on pretence that the right of fishing there for oysters was in George Connor, of Ballybickan, Esq.; ordered, that a suit .......- be commenced by Keunyfick against Bohilly for damages, at the expense of the Corporation ; and further, that if the said Bohilly, or any other per- son shall hereafter presume to take away any dredge from any person fishing in the river of Corke under the warrant of the Mayor, the e.x:pense.'J 90

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