over and above the £20 granted; also 19s. 7d. to Francis Evans, Exchange Porter, for sand, brooms, faggots, &c.; also £1 2s. 9d. to said Evans, for summoning the Common array and Constables; also £10 to Mr. S. Lawrence Bowden, for his trouble for supplying the Mayor for four years with lists of the shipping inwards. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Travers; Alden. Atkins, Croker, ·Jackson, FaiTen, Owgan, Lavit, Millerd, Wrixon, Reily; Mr. Moore, C. s.·; after- wards, Ald. Fuller, and Westropp. 15 Nov., 1757. That a Memorial be sent to the Lord Lieut., setting forth that Wm. Pitt, Esq., Lieut.-Col. of Col. Montague's Regt. of Foot, now lying in said City, and Commanding Officer of the garrison, had caused a sentinel to be put on the dwelling house of wm. Fraser, aleseller, and the Mayor, &c., having applied to said Pitt to take off said sentinel, to the great grievance of said Fraser and a breach of the laws of the land, ordered, that Mr. Hoare do prepare a Memorial and direct the agent. at Dublin to wait on Sir John Freke and Col Pigot to wait on the Lord Lieut. with said Memorial p t I 5 I 5 T !!I I 1 1 1?5 1 I 1 • J 2 1 I 1
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