Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Mr. 1\fayor, Ald. 'Vrixon and Busteed, three of the committee appointml to report a proper place for a new Fish 1\Iarket, report that Ald. Reily has a very convenient piece of ground to set at the lower end of Hanover Street., containing in front 45 feet, an<l extenlling to the South Channel, and that Ald. Reily will set same to the Corporation for UOO years, at such yearly rent as three or four gentlemen shall say same to be worth, ordereJ, that the ground be taken to erect a I•'ish 1\!a.rket, at such rent as Ald. Atkins, and Owgan, and two gentlemen appointed by the C. D. H. shall agree to. That 15s. 9d. be paid Francis Allan1s, late 'Change Porter, for sand and faggots. That .£3 lOs. be paid Joseph Kinsela,gJ~ for two silver boxes; also .£11 7s. 6cl. to Mr. Geo. Fuller, in full of all his demands; also 14s. lOd. to Francis Evans, 'Change Porter, for sand, brooms, and ·faggots ; also .£16 6s. 6ld. to Mr. Wm. Bull, for law business; also .£3 17s. s,l. to 1\Ir. Bickford Heard, attY., for law expenses. That the Corporation Ground on the Sand quay be set for 909 years by public cant to the highest bidder. That Thos. Cuthbert, mercht., having served Ald. Wm. Winthrop, be ad- mitted a freeman at large. That .£2 2s. 3d. be t>aid Martha Pilkington for printing work. That Benjamin; eldest son of Benj, Roberts, merch., be admitted free at large. That Mr. Hoare apply to Abrab~~-4 ~~n~s liorris, Esqr., for a renewal of the Cattle 1\Iarket lease, and report. The Governors of the Workhouse having petitioned the Council, setting. forth that by the increase of years of the Foundling children, and the numbers, the funds of said workhouse are not sufficient, by at least .£500 pounds a year, and they have strong reasons to believe that the Parliament next Session will grant some relief for the support of said workhouse ; but in the meantime said charity will be destroyed without some immediate relief; ordered, that .£200 be paid out of the City revenues to the Gover- nors for said Charity. That Mr. Mayor, Sher. Roe, Alden. Jackson, Farren, and Wrixon, be a committee to inspect the ground granted to the Corporation by Dr. Bro- clesby, and to return to the Council plans of a Guard-house, Milk and

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