also .£5 13s. 9d. to the Rev. John Baily, Clk., for occasional sermons ; also \ £7 l9s. 3d. to the Rev. Doyle Davies, Clk., Corporation Chaplain, for occasional sermons; also .£28 Os. O~d. to Jchosaphat }[ulcatt, for coal, &c.; also .£18 6s. to 1\Ir. 1\Iayor, for ale supplied frmn 2-! Oct., 17 55, to 22 June last; also .£12 19s. lO(l. to 1\Iary llanison, for printing work done; also .£19 15s. 8~d. to Esther IIolmes, for cloathing for the Blue Uoats and Exchange Porter ; also £10 7 s. to Andrew Dalton, for Carpenters' work done; also .£8 2s. Sd. to Tho. Dyer, glazier; also .£1 2s. l~(l. to Wm. Whitney upholsterer, for work done; also lOs. 6d. to Wm. ~1:# ~~<?g~t~i~, apothecary, for medicines for one John Sullivan ; also .£G to 1\Ir. Henry Browne, attorney, for business done. That }fr. Sheriff Baker, Alden. Westropp and Lavit inspect the City Engines and have them put in proper repair. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Baker ; Alden. Croker, J acksou, Owgan, Wcs- tropp, Crone, Busteed, Hodcler; l\Ir. Hill, C. S. (postea), Ald. Lavit. 2 Sep., 17 u6. That the Gateage tolls and duties of the City of Corkc for one year bo put up by public Cant on the Exchange to the highest bidder, with all tho clauses, &c., in order of Council made 25 Aug., 1755, and this additional clause, " that all persons now free, or hereafter to be made free, may free any cattle, pigs, or any goods that may be bought at any public fairs or markets without the liberties of Cork." That .£3 Ss. 3d. be paid Andrew Dalton, for measuring masons' and tylers' work and drawing a plan of the New Potatoc Market; also .£12 7s. 2d. be paid Thos. Clements, for stones, lime, &c., expended by him on the said Market; also .£10 1ls. 2d. to Walter Lavit, Esq., for timber, &c.; also .£5 8s. 5d. to Robt. Heron, for makeing ten new Salt barrels and repairing others ; also £11 1s. 3d. to John Fish for nails and iron work, also a further sum of .£9 3s. ld. to said John Fish for sundries. That the Mayor Elect, Alden. Croker, Owgan, Lavit, Wrixon, Busteed, and Robt. Travers look about the town and report where they can find a proper place to erec~ a new Fish Market, the present one being small. That Thomas, eldest son of Ald. Farren; John, eldest son of Rob. Travers; Michl. Busteed, Esq.; Francis, eluest son of Richd. Rowland, Mercht., be admitted freemen at large.
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