Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



dec.; '\Vm. Heard, gent., having served Anthony Lane, gent. ; Richard, eldest son of Ald. Adam Newman; Thos. Owgan, mercht., having served Thos. Bousfield, mercht., dec.; Swithen-, eldest son of Swithen White, Esq., £lee. ; be admitted freemen at large. The Committee appointed for settling the late Chamberlain, Mr. Stephen Hopkins, accts. report, that they reinspected the sundry receipts produced by said Hopkins, and they find the former balance of £1867 4s. 7d. to be due to the Corporation by said Hopkins, ordered, that Mr. Hoare com- mence a suit for recovery thereof. That Francis Creed, butcher, having served Robt. Long, butcher, be admitted free at large. That £5 13s. 9d. be paid Wm. Snowe, gent., Dep. Town Clerk, for his trouble in declaring war against the French King. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriff.'3; Alden. Croker, Jackson, Newman, Parker, Owgan, Westropp, J. . avit, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Smith, Hodder; Mr. Travers, and Laulke, C. S. 10 June, 1756. That the Chamberlain pay to the Governors of the Work House £450 and interest. That Mr. Mayor, Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Wrixon, and Robt. Travers, Esq., be a Committee to audit the acct. of the Corporation from 30 June to 29 Sep., 1754, and 29 Sep., 1754, to 29 Sep., 1755. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Croker, Farren, NP.wman, Parker, Owgan, Westropp, Lavit, Crone,· Wrixon, Busteed, Smith; Mr. Travers, Laulke, C. S., (afterwards) Ald. Jackson, Taylor, and Austen. 24 July, 1756. No business for want of a sufficient number, Signed, Wm. Snowe, Clk. of the CounciL Present-Yr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Croker, Owgan, Westropp, Lavit, Crone, and Busteed. 27 July, 1756. This day Mr. Charles Hill took the oath of Common Council man as C. S. X That .£20 be paid Mr. 1\Iayor for an entertainment at Blackrock on 1 Aug. ;

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