Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

G91 .


That £18 19s. llcl. be paid l\Ir. Isaac Duc:;;;y for candlec:;, fron1 19 Feb., 1754, to 30 Sep., 1733; also £t3 5s. :J~<l. to Thos. llollantl, for tylers' work done. Present-Yr. Mayor, both Sheriff~ ; Alden. Austin, Croker, Jackson, Farren, Owgan, Lavit, Taylor, ~lillerLl, "~rixon, Uu:;tceJ; ::\Ir. Travers, Laulke, C. S., (a.ftcrwarJ:;) Ald. Atkin:;. 28 FdJ., li.;G. Ordered, that any sun1 not excecJing £15 be paitl to l\Ir. 1\Iayor, that ho may cause to be shipped for Dublin a uumLer of per:Son~ discharged fro1u the Man of War in this harbour who were cnlistcl.l in DulJlin, and that he pay unto each of saiJ persons au Englitih crown, and that if ~ny of said persons be found in this City after the receipt of sail.l bounty, that th~ J.Iayor will commit them as vagrants to the House of Correction. That .£40 be paiu Ald. 'Valter Lavit aml HoLt. Travers, Esq., fur building sheds for the Potatoe Market near the Dridcwell, pursuant to a plan in Ald. Lavit's and 1\Ir. Travers' hands. That .£2 16s. 5d. be paid Thos. Jobson, Drazicr, for three sets of scales and weights. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Austin, Croker, Jackson, Farren, 'Vinthrop, Lavit, 'VrL-..:on, Smith, Dustecd; 1\Ir. Travers, and Laulke, c. s. 28 11/(ty, 1756. Mr. Mayor, having _his 1\IajY'•. Proclamation of war against the French King, and intending to proclaim it to-morrow, ordered, that an Entertain- ment be provided by 1\fr.l\fayor at the Council Chamber to-morrow evening, • in order to drink his Majy's. heo.lth and success to his o.nns. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Austin, Atkins, Croker, Jack- son, Farren, Parker, Bradshaw, Owgan, Lavit, Crone, Hodder, Busteed; Mr." Travers, and Laulke, C. S. 5 June, 1756. Ordered, that Robt., eldest son of Simon Davies, Esq., dec.; Kingsmill, eldest son of Charles Berry, brewer, dec.; John Tioe, mercht., having served Rout. Armstrong, mereht.; P\Obert, eldest son of William Honncr, E~q., 87-2

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