'\Vestropp, Taylor, ~Iillerd, Winthrop, Crone, llustced, W rixon, Smith ; l\Ir. Travers and Ald. Sir John Freke.
25 Sep., 17 55. That .£10 118. 6ld. be paid l\Irs. E<ither llolmes for a Swordbcarer's Cap and Gown for the use of the Corporation; also .£2 5s. 5~d. to Tho. Dyer, for glazing; an annuity of .£30 from 1 Nov. to Ald. Danl Crone during his 1ife, said Ald. being very infirm and not having any business to support him. That John Baker, cooper, eldest son of Robt. Baker, dec., who served Benj. Austen, dec., said John Baker being brother-in-law to the Mayor; Jacob L1.ulke, morcht., having served Peter Laulkc; James Morrison, mercht., having served Holland Goddard, mercht. ; :Francis Jackson, cooper, having served John Coughlan, cooper, be aUmittcd free at large of this City. That 60 Barrels of Coal be bought by J chosaphat Huleatt for the Cor- poration. That .£10 88. 10d. be paid J. Huleatt for several necessaries by him pro- vided fvr the Corporation. That an annuity of .£10 from 1 Nov. be paid Walter Lane, gent., late Swordbearer, during his life, having become very infirm. Present -1\Ir. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Atkins, Jackson, Parker, Owgan, l!illerd, Taylor, Crone, Smith, Bustced ; Mr. C. S., and afterwards Ald. Newman. 9 Oct., 17 55. John Tieily, Esq., l\Iayor. This day, l\fr. Mayor, Mr. Sam 1• Maylor, and Mr. Godfrey Baker, were sworn Council Men as Sheriffs. That an address to his MajY. on his safe arrival be drawn and sent to the Lord.-Lieut. to be by him sent to his l\faj. That .£300 be paid Mr. Mayor in addition to the sallary of .£200 settled on the Mayor. That Ald. Busteed apply to Mr. John Wight, late Waterbailiff, for deliver- ing up the two Coi"}!Oration boats with their apparel that were committed 87
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