in the execution of their duty, and particularly a great number of them with drawn hangers pursued Ald. Dusteeu, when he was endeavouring to find out a soldier of the regiment who had most barbarously cut with his hanger Mr. Thos. Hodder, a young gentleman of this City, without the least provocation. Or'lered, that a ~Ien10rial uw.ler the City seal be imtnediately laid before the Government, praying that said Uegt. be immediately re- moved from this City, and that Afr. Hoare prepare said Memorial. The Council agrees to the resolution of 28 June, to present the Ahp. of Cashel with his freedom in a Silver box. Whereas the Popish Quarterers still persist in their refusal to pay Quar- terage, ordered, that Air. Afayor usc vigorous measures, according to ancient usage, to compel payment thereof. Present-Air. Mayor, Sher. Smith ; Alden. Croker, Austen, Jackson, Far- ren, Owgan, Wcstropp, Lavit, Wrixon, Busteed, Crone; Mr. Travers, and Laulke, C. S. 20 Aug., 1755. That .£50 128. 1d. be paid Air. Mayor for eight Silver 'Loxcs and one Gold box, and for cleaning the City Aiaces ; also .£3 to Mr. Mayor, paid 'Ly him to two able seamen who volunteered in his lfaj. Sloop of War, tho Spy; also .£1 108. to Kane Mahony, for services last Assizes as inter_I>rc~r, the Judge having refused to confirm the presentment of the Grandiury, mo.de for the like sum for his attendance ; also 48. 4d. to the Bridewell keeper; also .£13 48. 9}d. to Robt. Hoare, expenses of the gentlemen who went to invite the Lord-Lieut. to dine; also .£39 188. 9~d. to ~fr. Wm. Dull, Attorney, in full for his bill of costs; also that .£30 be advanced to Ald. Bustced, Mr. Saml. Maylor, and Mr. Godfrey Baker, overseers, appointed to repair_ the City Court House on assigning to him the presentment for .£30 made last Assizes. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Atkins, Austin, Croker, Jackson, :Farren, Newman, Westropp, Winthrop, Millerd, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Smith, Freke ; Mr. Travers and Laulke, C. S. 21 .Aug., 1755. That the following Tolls be set by public cant : - The Gateage for one year from 29 Scpr., the highest bidder to have a
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