Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-Mr. l\1ayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Atkins, Croker, Austin, Jack- son, Farren, Bradshaw, Owgan, Westropp, Lavit, Winthrop, Taylor, Millard, Wrixon, Dustceu, Smith; Mr. Travers, Parks, C. S.; the Recorder as adviser, and Alu. Crone. 29 May, 1755~ That the Right Hon. Lord Rothes, who is to attend the Lord Lieut. to this City; the Right Hon. Fredk. Cavendish, brother to the Lord Lieut.; the Right Hon. Henry Seymour Conway, Principal Sec. to the Lord-Lieut. ; ~ Coil. John Campbell, Aids-de-camp to the Lord-Lieut., be presented with 1\ their freedom in Silver boxes. , That Philip Oliver, Esq., High Sheriff of the. Co. Corke, be admitted free at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Wetherall ; Alden. Atkins, Austin, Croker, Jackson, Farren, Newman, Bradshaw, Owgan, Westropp, Winthrop, Lavit, Taylor, Millerd, Wrixon, Bustced, S.mith; Mr. Parks, C. S.; the Recorder, <lS adviser of the Coun~·il. 28 June, 1755. . The Mayor having summoned a Council to meet this morning; to have an order conceived for presenting his Grace the Lord Abp. of Cashel with )(' his freedom in a Silver Box,. one m.ember being wanted to make a full council, it was the opinion of the members present that Mr. Mayor ought to have )lis Grace presented immediately,. as his stay is uncertain, not doubting that same will be approved next Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Croker, Jackson, Owgan, Westropp, Lavit, Crone, Wrixon, and Smith.

11 July, 1755. This day :Mr. Peter Laulke, as C. S., took the oath of secresy.

Whereas, on Sunday, 6 July, a terrible affray happened in the South _ Suburbs of this City, between the soldiers of General l!.,owkes Regt. and c~everal of the townsmen of this City, in which two soldiers were greatly wounded and one townsman killed on the spot, and several others despe- rately cut, and as very ill blood hath been bred between the soldiers and townspeople, so that the soldiers have threatened to oppose the Magistrates

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