Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That the tolls from the Fishmarket be set, &c., on 7 Sep. next (on same conditions), also N. and S. Milk Markets in like manner. That Sir John James, eldest son of James Jefferies; William Free- man, Esq. ; Henry Cavendish, Jun., Esq. ; Simeon Marshall, Esq., Surveyor Geni.; Henry Wrix?n, Esq.; Richd. Broclesby, Esq.; Samuel, son of Ald. Hoare; and Thos. Beamish, gent., be admitted freemen at large of this City. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor elect, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Croker, Farren, Winthrop, Westropp, Lavit, Crone, Wrixon, Taylor, Busteed, Smith; Mr. Travers, and Parks, C. S.. 19 Sep., 1754. That £20 9s. 6d. be paid Ald. Smith, the contents of a cash note of Joseph Popham, late of this City, Mercht., passed to him as cash part of his salary by Mr. Stephen Hopkins, Popham having failed soon after the passing of said note to Smith; £27 17s. to Robt. Hoare, law business for the Cor- poration; £8 5s. 4d. to Thos. Dyer, for plumbers' work done; £6 17s. to )(' said Dyer, for do.; £15 Ss. 2d. to Mr. Mayor, expenses of an entertainment · at Blackrock Castle ; £4 12s. 6d. to Tho. Daunt, for Carpenter's work done; £1 lOs. ld. to the widow of Tho. Daunt for do.; £10 15s. 8ld. to Tho. Holland, for tylers' work done; that the Chamberlain pay the sum due on the Corporation bond to Rev. Mr. Cox, besides £150, part of Skiddy's and ~retridge's Hospital money, in discharge of said debt, being £240; £300 to Geo. Hodder, Mayor elect, in addition to £200 Mayor's Sallary; £11 7s. 6d. to James Looby, entering the Public accounts in the Ledger; £1 9s. 3d. to Wm. Stockdale, for his trouble in examining some Gateage accounts ; that a separate account be kept of insolvent debts; £3 18s. 7d. to Timothy .. )( Cronin, bookseller, for Law books supplied. That John, eldest son of Wm. Spread, Esq., dec. ; Michrel Harris, Cooper, having served John Coughlan; Thos. Going, Mercht., having served Noblet Johnson, Mercht., be admitted freemen at large. That the Chamberlain immediately apply to M.r. Stephen Hopkins for £1867 48. 7d. due by him, and in case he shall not pay, that Mr. Hoare shall commence such suits as Council shall advise for recovery thereof. . That he in like manner apply to George Baxter, late receiver of the

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