Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



be contented by his legal remedy. 3. That all persons free may free their com, hides, tallow, and carcasses of beef. 4. That if the rent be behind three days said lease shall be Yoid, and that a docket of the Tolls shall be publickly posted with this order, and also annexed to the lease. That .£18 16s. 6d. be paid l\Ir. Wm. Snowe, AttY., lawyer's fees, &c., on a meeting of the freemen, lawyers and some merchants of this City, to draw up a proper scheme for setting the gateage. 'Whereas Mr. Richd. Brocklesby and Richard Brocklesby, Esq., Doctor of Physic, his eldest son and heir, propose to grant to the Corporation a piece of ground lately enclosed and walled in by them in Blackpool for 900 years at a pepper com a year, for a Market-place paying .£30, the expense of enclosing said ground ; and also proposed to grant the Corporation another piece of ground in Blackpool at the Xorth Side of ''r aters-1\filJs- Bridge, also two other lots, covered with water, for 900 years, at a pepper com, the first whereof for a guard-house, a map of which was this day pro- duced. Ordered, said proposal be accepted, and the sum of .£30 be paid said Richard and Doctor Brocklesby. That AideD. Atkins, Farren, 'Vrixon, 'Vestropp, and Busteed be a cmn- mittee to view the ground near South Bridge for a passage to Tuckey's quay, and to enquire of the proprietors of llr. Bagwell's Sllc"tlr houses about setting a long lease or selling same to the Corporation. Present- Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Aldeu. Atkins, Croker, Jackson, Farren, Newman, 'Vestropp, 'Vinthrop, Taylor, Lavit, Crone, 'Vrixon, Bus- teed, Smith; Mr. Travers, and Parks, C. S.; also the Recorder as adviser, and Ald. Millerd. 16 Aug., 1754. That 5 Sep. next the W aterbail.iff's Employment, with the dues, &c., be sold by public cant on the Exchange of this City for one year, the highest bidder to have a lease, that he execute bonds, payable quarterly, with two solvent persons residing in the City, carrying on business therein, saving all rights of the freemen, that he shall collect the Chief Magistrate's dues, that he or his deputy shall attend the Corporation with his Silver Oar, and that a docket of the fees be posted with this order. That the tolls of the Com Market be set by public cant 6 Sep. next (on same conditions as above). 86

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