Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


10 May, 1754. That 15s. lO~d. be paid Francis Adams, 'Change Porter, for sand, brooms, &c., from 29 Sep., 1753, to 25 March, 1754; £7 13s. 5ltl. to John Ireland for Smith's work <lone fron1 28 Oct., 1752., to 3 Jan., 1754; ISs. to the ringers of the Bells of S. Mary, Shandon., on each of the following State and Holy days: the King's uirth-day, S. Patrick's uay, lG April, the Duko of Cumberland's uirth-day, the I>rince of Wales's birth-day, 1 Aug., 23 Oct., 4 and 5 Nov., First 1\fonday in July, the Swearing-day; 29 Sep., tho day of the surrender of Cork to the English; t11e ringers to consist of nino persons under the direction of the Mayor. £11 7s. Gd. to Hcv. John llaily, for occasional Sermons. • That Mr. Godfrey Baker, mercht., bo admitted a freeman at large. Tlus <lay Ald. Smith paid 1\Ir. }'rancis Carleton., in open Council, £350, also a balance of £19 lOs. 1l~<l., which he was to pay Mr. John Shn.dwcll, said £19 lOs. ll~d. to be paid for the uso of Drctridgc's and Skiddy's Alms-houses. Present-1\{r. 1\{ayor, Sher. Cossart; Alden. Croker, Atkin~, Farren, Now- Juan, Westropp, Lavit, Taylor, Wrixon, llustecd, Smith; 1\Ir. Travers and Creed, C. S., (Afterwards) Ald. Crone and 1\Iillcrd. 4 July, 1754. This day, Ald. Owgan, Westro1>p, Wrixon, Mr. Wm. IIar<ling, Halph Uve- dale, Francis Carleton, Hou~. Travers, a comn1ittce for settling the public accounts, re:p01t that they had stated the accounts of 1\{r. Stephen llo}>kins., late Chamberlain, to 10 July, 1753, and that he owes the Corporation £1867 48. 7d. The same Committee (except Uvedale) report that they had stated the accounts of Geor<Je Baxter., late receiver of the penny dues and Meat Shamble rents to 25 Nov., 1752, and that said Baxter owes the Cor- poration £80 5s. 4!d.• besides a promissory note passed by him and Robt. Baxter, for £20 lOs. ld. to S. Hopkins, as cash, and as such passed by Hopkins to F. Carleton, for the use of the Corporation. The above Com- mittee (with Uvedale) examined the accounts of Mr. John Wright, water- bailiff., to 9 July., 1753, and find he owes £34 18s. lOd. Also, they examined the accounts of Mr. Thos. Wood., receiver of the Milk Market dues at Blackpool, to 25 March, 1753, and find he owes 6fd.

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