Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That .£9 ls. 8d. be paid J ehosaphat IIulcatt for coal, &c., fro1n Oct., 1753, to 2 Jan. inst. That £38 lOs. lO(l. be paid l\Ir. Wm. Dull, Ald., for law business, from IIil. term, 1750, to 6 July, 1753. That Mr. Mayor do sign a receipt in favour of Ald. Wrixon, and Mr. John Wrixon·, for £72 annuity due fron1 the Vintners' Comp., London, 29 Sep. last, for the use of Skiddy's Hospital. That £4 2s. be paid Mr. Bussy for candles, from 24 Oct. to 15 Nov. last. That the Widow Cossart and Sons, and Mrs. Frnnci..~ Carleton have liberty to enlarge the quay near their houses, by taking in some ground from the channel leading to Daunt's Bridge ; to be done at their own expense, and according to the plan laid before the Council That £13 19s. 8d. be paid .Alden. Croker, Busteed and Smith, for making a machine for raising corn to the upper lofts of the Corn Market-house, pursuant to a plan before the Council. That Henry, eldest son of Mr. Richd. Moore, be admitted free. Whereas Mr. Richd. Marrett, mercht., did in the Mayoralty of Ald. Smith send to England for five ship loads of Corn, and sold same under the current price for the public good, ordered, that said Marrett, for his good services, be admitted a freeman at large of this City. That Benj. Swete, Esq.; Danl. Connor, mercht., having served Henry Mannix ; Thos. Robinson, having served Charles Waddington, apothecary ; John Rogers, mercht., having served PJggs Falkiner, mercht.; Joseph Elliot, clothier, eldest son of Joseph Elliot, butcher, dec. ; Joseph, having served his father, Benj. Wetherall, clothier, dec.; Francis Shuler, gent., eldest son of Michl. Shuler, dec.; Thomas, eldest son of John Boles, gent., dec., be admitted freemen at large. That John Crockford, constable of Blackrock Castle, have liberty to build a stable on the Corporation ground near said Castle. Present-- Mr. Mayor, John Cossart and Kevan Izod, Sheriffs ; .Alden. Croker, Austin, Jackson, Newman, Owgan, Westropp, Lavit, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Smith; Mr. Travers and Creed, C. S. 25 March, 1754. Ordered, that .Ald. Smith pay Mr. Francis Carleton .£350, part of the money of Bretridge's and ·Skiddy's Alms-houses, paid him by the executors

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