Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



An account this day furnished by Ald. Croker, 1viaster of S. Stephen's Hospital, it appears that said Croker is in advance the sum of £167 lOs. 7d. for said Hospital, to 29 Sep. last ; and it appears that considerable sums of money belonging to said Hospital are in the hands of Alden. Austin, Millerd, and others ; ordered, that said Ald. Croker receive from said persons the sum of £167 lOs. 7d., and said Croker's receipt shall be a discharge. Whereas the peace and tranquility of this City cannot be kept by the Mayor, &c., without their being empowered to call on His Maj. forces gar- risoned in said City to aid the civil power, on account of the numbers of rioters and other disturbers of the "peace who live in this-City; and as on a late application to the Commanding Officer of this Garrison, by message from Mr. May()r, he was of opinion he could not supply the Magistrates of this City with any of the Army to aid them, not having any order, and as we are of opinion that a Captain's guard to be daily mounted at the Main Guard of this City would tend greatly to the preservation of his Maj. peace, .as the magistrates could be speedily supplied with a party of soldiers to quell eudden riots, as otherwise a good deal of ti:r~e may be lost by the distance of the barracks from the b~dy of the City, we order Mr. Hoare to prepare a Memorial to the Lord Lieutenant, praying a standing order for the Mayor, Sheriffs, and to call the army to aid-them from time to time, and for the mounting of a Captain's guard at the Mainguard, and that said orders be handed _from Commanding officer to Commanding officer of this Gar- l'lson. That Mr. Wm. Parks, Clothier, at the request of Mr. Mayor, be admitted a freeman. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Croker, Farren, Newman, Owgan, Westropp, Winthrop, Lavit, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed, Creed, C. S. (postea), Ald. Jackson. 9 Jan., 1754. Sir John Freke, Bart., Mayor. This day, ~Ir. Mayor took the oath of a Common Council man, also ·the Sheriffs. That Mrs. Esther Holmes be paid £15 9s. for cloathing for the Blue Boys r..nd 'Change Porter.

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