Owgan, Westropp, Taylor, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed; Mr. Creed, C. S., Ald. Lavit and Winthrop. 24 Sep., 17 53. Mr. Mayor summoned a Council to meet this evening at 5, and having waited a considerable time and a sufficient number not appearing, Mr. Mayor could not proceed to business.-Wra. Snow, Clk. of Council. 28 Sep., 1753. . Another meeting summoned by the Mayor, but broke up for want of attendance.-Wm. Snow, Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Ald 80 • Croker, Westropp, Taylor, Lavit, Winthrop, Wrixon, Rusteerl n.nd Mr. Dring. 1 Oct., 1753. Ordered, that Mr. Nathaniel Lavit shall have such lilJcrty as tlte Corpo- ration can grant, for building at his own expense a drawbridge from his own ground on Dunscombe's Marsh, across the channel to the Island in the South Channel of this City, lately demised by the Corporation to said Lavit, leaving a passage for shipping of 22 feet in the clear, said drawbridge to be always kept in repair by said Lavit. That £12 198. 8d. be paid Mr. Isaac Bussy, for candles from 11 Nov. 1752, to 24 Sep., 1753. That £21 68. 4!d. be paid Ald. Lavit for timber, &c., from 2 Sep., 1752, to 28 Sep., 1753. That £24 38. O!d. be paid Mr. George Hodder, Silversmith, for repairing and cleaning the Maces and Sword, and for a gold box and two silver boxes supplied 29 May last. That £4 8& 2!d. be paid Thos. Holland, tyler, for tyler's work done from 28 April, 1753, to 25 Sep. following; 88. 4d. to Joseph Craddock, 'Change Porter, for sand and brooms.; £2 9s. 10d. to Tho. Clements, mason, for mason's work; £12 ls. 7d. to · Tho. Daunt, joyner, for joyner's work; .£18 lOs. to Matthias Smith, Esq., Mayor, expenses of the entertainment last Aug. at BlackrockCastle; .£2 lls. 2d. to Matthias Smith, Esq., expenses of levying and making maps of the Corporation ground in Fair Lane, the Sand Quay, the Island in the South Channel, and for Lanthoms for the watch. 85-2 i
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