Preseut-Mr. ~Iayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Croker, Farren, Newman, Owgan, 'Vestropp, Winthrop, Lavit, Crone, Wrixon, Busteed; Mr. Dring, Creed, C. S. (postea), Ald. Taylor.
17 Sep., 1753. Resolved, that the sum of £300 be added to the Mayor•s Sallery for ensueing year, over and above the sum of £200 already granted. Ordered, that Mr. Horatio Townsend and Mr. John Hughes have liberty, at their own expense, to add to the Coal quay near their houses. from the dock, for the benefit of carriages, to wit, any number of feet not exceed- ing ten at the North West end of said Townsend's holdings, and to end in a point at the front of the slip at the South West side of said Hughes' house. A petition preferred by the Inhabitants living between Tuckey's Bridge and the Post Office, setting forth that the quay opposite their houses is too narrow for Carriages and dangerous for his Maj. Subjects passing the same in the night-time, and setting forth that 20 feet in breadth can be added to said quay from the channel without prejudice thereto, resolved that the inhabitants shall have such liberty as the Corporation can grant for enlarg- ing said quay. That £5 12s. !Od. be paid Thos. Dyer, glazier, for work done from 20 July last to 4 Aug. last. That £28 ls. Sd. be paid Matthias Smith, Esq., late Mayor, for Beer and Ale supplied the Army on rejoicing days, in 1742 and 1743, and Nov., 1752, and April and June, 17 53, and for other expenses.of ~the soldiers and city officers at the last Cork fair on their attendance to suppress an intended riot. That 50 barrels of Coal be bought for the use of the Council Chamber and Guard-house. That Mr. Frans. Carleton be impowered to distress for the rent and arrears due to the Corporation during his acting for them. It is resolved to be the opinion of the Council that the accounts of Mr. Stephen Hopkins and other public accounts be settled to the day said Hopkins was superseded in his office by Mr. Francis Carleton. Present--lt-!r. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; AlJen. Austin, Croker, ·Farren, Fuller,
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