of Gateage and Customs, Waterbailiff's, &c., from 1 Jan., 1750, to 1 Je., 1753. Ald. Millerd, one of the executors of Ald. Hugh Millerd, this day delivered to the Council the account of the receipts, &c., of the funds of Skiddy's and Bretridge's Alms houses, made by said Millerd, dec., who was Manager of said funds, being examined and approved, there was a ballance of £369 lOs. ll!d. in the hands of the executors of said Millerd, dec. They are directed to pay same to the Mayor. That a lot of ground belonging to the Corporation in Fair Lane, containing about 90 feet in length and 10 in breadth, be set for 999 years by public cant, to the highest bidder. That Mr. Hoare apply to Mr. Noblet Johnson to deliver up the immediate possession of the Island in the South Channel belonging to the Corporation, and also pay the rent for the time he held said Island, and in case he refuses, that a suit be commenced against him for the recovery of the Island and rent. That Mr. Hoare take advice about the legacy left by Mr. Dickson to the Corporation for S. Stephen's hospital. That Mr. John Shadwell be appointed agent for Skiddys and Bretridge's Alms houses, giving £1,000 security. "/.. That Ald. Robt. Atkins be paid £4 16s. for ale given the soldiers 11 June last, by order of the Mayor. That Ald. Lavit be paid £9 lls. S!d. for timber from 7 Oct., 1745, to 13 Nov., 1746. 'i. That Mr. Tho. Price be paid £26 15s. 5!d. for tar barrels, &c., from I 1 July, 1743, to 11 June, 1752. That Robt. Hoare, Esq., be paid £3 14s. 10!d., bill of costs in several causes for three years. That the Chamberlain pay Mr. Will. Austen's bill in favour of Mr. Francis ~ Carleton for £17 Os. 2d., being the expense of a velvet coat given Lord 1 Chief Baron Bowes as his fee for allowing the City Charter. '/ That Ald. Wm. Busteed be paid £4 lOs. ld., so much expended by him on 1 Aug. last, above the 10 guineas ordered by the Council for the enter- tainment on that day. That the Administrators of Ald. Holmes be paid £1115s. Sd. for clothes for the Blue Coats and Exchange Porter.
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