Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Present-Mr. Mayor, bOth Sheriffs; Alden. Huleatt, Croker, Atkins, Newman, Owgan, Westropp, Lavit, Crone, Wrixon, and Smith, C. S.

14 July, 1752. Ordered, that the Right Ron. James, Earl of Kildare, the Right Hon. Sir Arthur Gore, Robt. Downes, Esq., and Henry Walsingham Boyle, be pre- sented with their freedoms in Silver Boxes by the Town Clerk. r Present--Mr. Mayor and Sheriffs ; Ald•n. Millerd, Croker, Jackson, Farren, Fuller, Westrop, Winthrop, Lavit, Crone, Holmes, and Isaac Bussy, C. S.

27 July, 1752. This day Mr. Isaac Bussy, C. S., was sworn to keep the secrets of the Council That the Right Hon. Lord George Sackville be presented with his free- dom in a Gold box by the Tvwn Clerk. That the Hon. Sr. Peter Warren, K.B., Vice-Admiral of the Red Squadron, be presented with his freedom in a Gold box. That John Foliott, Esq., be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That the Right Hon. John Ponsonby, one of His Maj. Commissioners of Excise, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That the Hon. Wm. Champneys, one of His Maj. Com. of Excise, be pre- sented with his freedom in a Silver box. That the Hon. Fred. Frankland, one of His Maj. Com. of Excise, be pre- sented with his freedom in a Silver box. That the Hon. John Bourke, Esq., one of His Maj. Com. of Excise, be presented with his freedom in a Silver Box. That Richard Tonson, Esq.; Wm. Verling, Esq.; Will•. Newcomen, E~q., Coll of Excise for Corke; John Cavendish, Collr. of Kinsale; Mr. Geo. Carleton, Merch'.; Ralph Uveclale, Gent.; Revd. Arcbd. Edwd. Browne, one of His Maj. Justices of the Peace for the County; Revd. Geo. Tisdal, D.D., be admitted freemen at large of this City. That 10 guineas be paid for an entertainment at Blackrock Castle 1 Aug. next, the annual day for holding the Admiralty Court for the river of Corke. That £11 7s. 6d. be paid Revd. Geo. Baily, Clk., for occasional sermons, from 2 July, 1750, to 5 Nov., 1751. 84-2



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