Eason, Cooper ; Thomas, eldest son of John Hardaway, butcher, dec. ; John Rice, having served Francis Taylor, Clothier; Thomas Haddock, having served Shirly Wills, Cooper, be admitted free at large of this City. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Huleatt, Croker, Farren, Owgan, Westropp, Winthrop, Lavit, Millerd, Jun., Holmes, Crone, Wrixon, and Smith, C. S. · 3 June, 1752. Ordered, .that Thos. Barnes, Mercht., having served Thos. Beale, Mercht.; William Allen, having served Isaac Bussy, Chandler; Wm. Evans, ship- wright, eldest son of Robert Evans, dec.; John, eldest son of Nicholas Anstace, butcher, dec. ; Dan 1• Sullivan, Jun., having served his father, Danl, Sullivan, baker; Ebenezer, having served his father, Richard Pike, Mercht. That £25 lOs. 7d., balance dne to Messrs Calwell, Lawton, and Carleton for a parcel of wheat sold by them to Ald. Fuller in his Mayoralty for the use of the Corporation, be paid them. That £14 88. be paid Robt. Atkins, Esq., for ale supplied the Army from 30 Oct., 1750, to 30 Oct., 1751. That £3"0 be paid Robt. Hoare, Esq., expenses, &c., attending the Privy Council on the petitions of George Fuller and against the first election of the present Mayor and Sheriffs.. That £11 98. 7d. be paid Ald. Robt. Wrixon to discharge Mr. Palliser's draft on him for News Papers, from 7 Sep., 1750_, to 7 Sep., 1751. That £29 08. 5d. be paid Isaac Bussy, Chandler, for candles, from 11 Oct., 17 49, to 18 Sep., 1751. That £21168. 7d. be paid Ald. Wm. Holmes, for mourning for the seats in the different churches of this City, on the death of his.Royal Highness the late Prince of Wales, also cloathing for the Blue Coats and Exchange Porter, from 19 April, 1751, to 27 Sep. following. That £11 7 8. 6d. be paid John Richardson, Chandler, his expenses attend- ing the House of Commons on the petition of John Forster against the Corporation of this City. Whereas Ald. Saml. Croker hath petitioned this Council to be paid for his trouble for several years' attendance as an assistant to the Collector of Gateage, ordered, that the Mayor, Sheriffs, Ald. Atkins and W estropp be a Committee to examine Ald. Croker's demand, and report.
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