Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


AD~IISSIO:S OF FltEE:\lEN. GG5 father, Trayer ·Lawton; Richard, having served his father, Saml. Perry, lfercht.; Saml. Fenton, Mercht., having served Altl. \Vm. \Vinthrop ; Danl. Perdrian, Jun., eldest son of Rodolphus Perdrian, 1\fercht., dec.; Wettenhall, eldest son of W ettenhall Hignett, burgess, dec. ; Francis ~I organ, Morcht., having served Jonathan Morgan, Mercht.; \Vm. Ryall, 1\fercht., having served James Calwell, 1\Iercht.; Francis Smith, Chandler, eldest son of William Smith, dec. ; the Rev. William, eldest son of \Vm. Chartres, Esq., dec.; Christopher Lovet, having served Ald. Edwd. Hoare, dec.; Sami., eldest son of Jasper Morris, dec. ; Wills, eldest son of George Crofts, Escrr., dec. ; the Rev. Thomas, eldest son of llarry Frankland, dec. ; William Moxley, Mercht., having served Joseph l,opham, 1\fercht. ; l 1 eter llarber, Cooper, having served Sherly Wills; Paul Baker, 1\fercht., having served Ald. Richd. Bradshaw; Tho. Cotter, Chandler, having served l8a.'l.c llussy; Spencer Owgan, joiner, having served Sampson Price ; Thomas Grady, butcher, eldest son of Philip Grady, gent., dec.; John Weston, wigmaker, having served Francis Adams; John Bennett, 1\Iarriner, eldest son of Henry Bennett, Cooper, dec.; Jonathan, son of John Morgan, ha.ving served Elias Lasserre, Mercht.; James Screech, having served AlJr. Morris, Morcht.; Richard, having served his father, I~ichd. Allen, Clothier; John, eldm~t son of John Terry, dec.; Robert, eldest son of Christ. Rogers, Esq., dec.; James, eldest son of James Dennis, 1\Iercht., dec.; Thos. Elmsly, Chandler, having served Robt. Raymond, dec.; Thomas Knox, Silversmith, eldest son of Thomas Knox, Barber, dec. Present--Mr. 1\Iayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Huleatt, Croker, Farren, Owgan, W estropp, Winthrop, Lavit, Millerd, Jun., Crone, Holmes, W rixon, and Smith, C. S. 23 May, 1752. That John, son of Joseph Deyos; Joseph, eldest son of John Heard, Skinner, dec. ; John Kift, Cooper, eldest son of Thos. Kift, dec. ; Robert Baxter, butcher, having served George Baxter; Henry Purcell, Chandler, having served Isaac Bussy; Giles Upton, having served Silvester Clarke and John Smith, Coopers; Richard Payne, having served Charles Wad- dington, Apothecary; Gustavus, eldest sou of Henry Hamilton,·Esq., dec.; Gerrard, having served his father, Francis Roche, Clothier; John, having served his father, Daniel Sullivan, Daker; Jolui Hyde, having served Rob'· 84

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