Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That Thos. Cochran, Joyner, having served Sampson Price, ·Joyner, and Joshua Coe, butcher, having served his father, Samuel Coe, be admitted free at large. · Present - Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Freke and Newenham, Mr. Recorder . , Alden. Atkins, Croker, Farren, Newman, Fuller, Owgan, Westhropp, Win- throp, Lavit, Holmes, and Denroch, C. S. 25 May, 1751. Ordered, that Alden. Owgan, Westropp, Winthrop, and Rob. Travers, Esq., with those appointed by the C. D. H., audit the accounts of the Chamber- lain, Collectors of the Gateage and Customs, Waterbailiff, &c., from 25 Dec., 1747 to 31 Dec., 1748. . That Mr. Mayor, Alden. Owgan, Westropp and Winthrop, with those of the C. D. H., audit same officers' accounts from 31 Dec., 1748 to 31 Dec., 1750. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Millerd, Croker, Newman, Farren, Fuller, Owgan, Winthrop, Westropp, Lavit, Taylor, Mil~ lerd, Jun., Crone, Holmes ( postea), Ald. Parker, and Mr. Denroch, C. S. 23 Nov., 1751. William Busteed, Esq., Mayor. This day, the Mayor and Sheriffs were sworne Council men during office, also the C. S. to keep the secrets of the Council. This day Ald...Millerd, Taylor, and Robt. Dring, Esq., gave in their report .on the Hospitals of this City; ordered, that it be entered in the Hospital Book. Whereas on 1st Report, £180 148. 7d. appears due from Aug. Carre, dec., to the Blue Coat Hospital, ordered, that Mr. Hoare prosecute the Executors of said Carre. This day Ald. Taylor delivered up to Mr. Hoare said [Carre's voucher for £96, dated 14 Nov., 1744, and another for £50 17s. 7d., dated 7.-April, 1741. Ordered, that Mr. Bull's bill of Costs, £97 18s. 4~d., for expenses on the Petitions of George Fuller, Sr. Richard Cox, and to the Lords Justices, &c., against the first Election of the present Mayor, &c., and costs of appro- bation, &c., be paid.

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