Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


PYesent-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Newenham, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Atkins, Huleatt, Croker, Parker, Westropp, Winthrop, Lavit, Taylor, Crone, Holmes, and 1\::lr. Denroch, C. S. 18 May, 1751. Whereas we are of opinion that the Revenues of this City can be greatly increased without any prejudice to the Freemen, and that a Committee be appointed out of the Council for considering said Revenues, we order that a Committee of ten gentlemen be appointed, five to be nominated by this Council and five by the C.D.H. ; we order that from time to time they report the manner any seven of them may approve, care being taken of the rights of the Freemen : that the gateage be first considered ; and that said committee be a standing committee for six months ; and we appoint Mr. Mayor, Sir John Freke, Ald. Robt. Atkins, Ald. Tho. Farren, and Ald. Wm. Owgan on behalf of the Council. That Coll. Richd. Boyle, eldest son of His Excellency Henry Boyle, Esq., )( be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That William Lane, Cooper, having served John Flemming, dec. ; James Ben~on, mercht., having served wm. Lane, mercht.; John Leathum, mercht., having served Messrs. CaJwell, Lawton, and Carleton, merchta.; Thomas Vereker, mercht., having served Geo. Fuller; George Bastable, mercht., having served Mr. Mayor and Mr. John Wrixon, mercht.; Peter Tindal, mercht., having served Christ. Carleton; Roger Green, mercht., having served Henry Mannix, mercht.; Francis Grey, mercht., eldest son of John Grey, mercht., dec.; William, eldest son of Wm. Rickotts, mercht.,, dec.; James Purcell, mercht., having served Ald. Wm. Holmes ; James Ellis, mercht., having served Francis Hodder, mercht. ; Bussell Hare, mercht.• having served Wm. Hare, mercht., dec. ; Richa.rd Bennett, cooper, having served his father, Henry Bennett, cooper; Francis AJHn, clothier, having .served John AUin, clothier; George Fuller, mercht., having served his father, Tho.· Fuller, mercht. ; Wm. U niacke, mercht., having served Wm. Davenport, mercht. ; Stephen Mi11s, mercht., having served Riggs Falkiner, mercht., be admitted Freemen at large. _,) That an entertainment be provided for His Excellency Henry Boyle, Esq., one of the Lords Justices ~n. and Gen. Governors of this Kingdom, and that the Sheriff do_ wait on and invite his Excellency. .

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