That £5 14s. be paid Mr. Bickford Heard, law business in the suit of Danl. Callaghane against_Peter Tivy. That £11 9s. 7d. be paid Ald. Wm. Holmes for Newspapers and Votes during his Mayoralty. That £15 17s. 2d. be paid Ald. Holmes for a Velvet Cushion for the Court House clothing the Blue Coats and Exchange Porter. . Presen~- Mr. Mayor, Sr. John Freake, Sher. ; Alden. Huleatt, Atkins, Farren, Newman, Owgan, W esthrop, Lavit, Taylor, Crone, Holmes, and Denroch, C. S. 4 May, 1'751. Ordered, that the Gateage of this City be set for the term of seven years, from 24 June next, by Public Cant, (the same to be set on the Exchange between the hours of 12 and 2,) to the highest bidder giving good security, and that ten days' notice of the Cant be affixed on the Exchange. . That the office of the Waterbailiffs of this City, with all perquisites, &c., be set for seven years, from 24 June next, by public Cant on the Exchange of this City, the person taking said office ta give security f<>r his behaviour and payment of the rent. That Thomas Newenham, Esq., be presented with lfts Freedom, by Mr. Hoare, the Town Clerk. That Mr. HenryWrixon, brother to Mr. Mayor, be admitted a freeman at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sir John Freake, Sheriff; Alden. Atkins, Huleatt, Croker, Newman, Owgan, Lavit, Taylor, Crone, Holmes, Winthrop, Westrop, and Mr. C. S. 11 May, 1751. This day, William Snow, Gent., was admitted Deputy-Clerk of the Council, and sworn. Whereas Edward Vincent hath commenced a suit in the Exchequer against Peter Waglin, Master of the Company of Masons of this City, Peter Delahoide, Rich 4 • Quin and Corns. Murphy, three of his Assistants for recovering back Quarterage, which said Master levied pursuant to ancient Custom and Bye-laws of said Company. Ordered, that the defence be defrayed at the expense of the Corpora.tion.
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