Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

. 658


·from the Master and Wardens of the Vintners' Company of London, for . the use of Skiddy's Alms-house, for which he promises to be accountable to said Maunsell; it also appears that Ald Wm. Winthrop has a receipt of . said Carre for £96, for which he promises to be accountable for the use of said Hospital Ordered, that the Inspectors get the two receipts of Mr. . Aug. Carre, and demand payment from the Executors of said Carre, and .report the answer of the Executors. This day Mr. Stephen Denroche, C. S., took the oath of Comon Council !. man, as the Common Speaker takes. 'i'. ) That £8 be paid Robt. Atkins, Ald., for Beer supplied for the Army. . That £10 be allowed for an entertainment at Blackro~k Castle, on 1 Aug. /next, when Mr. Mayor intends to hold a Court for the conservation of the t City's rights to the River and Fishery thereof. • That £28 8s. 9d. be paid Revd. John Baily for twenty-five occasional · Sermons, from 18 Dec., 1745 to 5 Nov., 1749. That £11 7s. 6d. be paid John Lane, silk dyer, for his trouble in attend- :ing the house of Commons upon the Petition of John Forster against the Corporation. Whereas Ald. Hawkins preferred a Bill against the Mayor, &c., in the Exchequer, ordered, that Mr. Hoare take the proper care thereof. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Webb; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Fuller, Win- .trop, Lavit, Taylor, Croker, Crone ; Mr. Travers, Ald. Millerd, Jun., and ·Mr. ·c. s. 20 .Aug., 1750. Ordered, that the Freedom of this City be presented to the Hon. St. George Caufield, in a Silver box, as he is one of the Judges of Assize and His Maj. Attorney-General Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Webb and Sweet; Alden. Atkins, Millerd ' Croker, Fuller, Winthrop, Lavit, Taylor, Crone, and Mr. C. S. 12 Nov., 1750. Robert Wrixon, Esq., Mayor. The Mayor and both Sheriffs sworn Uouncil men.-Robt. Hoare, Clke. of .the Council _ Present--Mr. Mayor, Sr. Ja. Freake, Bt., and Robt. Newenham, Sh~riffs ;

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