Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor Elect, both Sheriffs, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Atkins, 1\Iilleru, HulP..att, Croker, Farren, Jackson, Owgan, W estrop, Winthrop, Millerd, Jun., Taylor, and Rob. Travers. I, Hugh Millerd, Jun., do protest to the makeing of Mr. Benj. Sullivan, Mr. Wm. Snow, and Mr. Tho. Allcyn free as they diu not serve seven years' apprentiship, nor a sufficient Council at the time, the questions being put, only the unucrnameu: Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs, Recorder; Alden. Atkins, Farren, Hulcatt, Owgan, Westrop, Wintrop, Travers.

9 Nov., 1749. William Holmes, Esq., Mayor.

This day the Mayor and Sheriffs were sworn of the Council, and Mr. Joseph Popham as Common Speaker ; Mr. Hoare this day delivered tho Patent for the Fairs at the Lough, which is lodged in the chest. M em. "No business done for want of a sufficient number of Council men.-Rob. Hoare, Clk. of Council.'' Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Webb and Sweet, Mr. P..ecordcr ; Alden. Millerd, Croker, Farren, Winthrop, Taylor, Crone, and Popham, C. S. 30 Nov., 1749. That £6 ISs. 11!d. be paid Thos. Daunt for labour and tin1ber in mend- ing North Bridge. Ordered 1manimously, that £300 be paid Mr. llayor as an augmentation to the Salary of £200 to make £500. That Thomas Hankerson, Esq., Commander of His Maj. Ship Badger, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That John Vaughan, Esq., Commander of His Maj. Ship Baltimore, be ' presented with his freedom in a Silver box. That £12 13s. be paid Isaac Bussy for Candles, from 26 Oct., 17 48, to .15 Aug., 17 49. That £4 1s. 9d. be paid George Harrison for printing work done during the Mayoralty of Mr. Crone. That Councillor Nicholas Weeks be admitted a freeman at large. That .£14 12s. 3d. be paid Mr. Mayor for cloathing furnished the Blue Coats and Change Porter.

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