Jackson, Farren, Newman, Fuller, Parker, Owgan, Taylor, 1\Iillerd, Jun.; Mr. Dring, and Skye, C. S. 26 .April, 1749. Whereas · Hugh Millerd, Jun., Esq., late Mayor, lhaving informed tho Council that Joseph Hoare, Esq., had applied to the King's Bench on a complaint against him for discharging his duty in relation to o. fray between Hulsat Creed and said Hoare, and whereas it appears the said Mayor acted properly, ordered, that the charge said Millerd shall be put to be po.ic.l out of the revenues of the Corporation. That Thos. Crips, Esq., Councillor at Law, be admitted free for executing the rights of the City last assizes without application. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Millerd, Austin, Croker, Fuller• Farren, Owgan, Taylor, W esthrop; Mr. Travers, and Skye, C. S. 18 May, 1749. That 100 guineas be paid Mr. Fran. Carleton and Mr. Riggs Falkener towards a ring of Bells to be put up in the Steple of St. Ann's Church, in the Parish of S. Mary Shandon, in Corke, to be paid in three months from the date hereof. That William Burnett, having served Mr. Aug. Carre, and since his death Mrs. Carre, his widow; Will son of Saml. Perry, having served his father; George Roch, Clothier, having served his father, Francis Roch ; and John, eldest son of Ald. Croker, be admitted free at large. Present- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Chatterton ; Alden. Austin, Croker, Newman, Farren, Jackson, Parker, Owgan, Westhrop, Winthrop, Lavit, Tayler, Millard, Jun. ; Mr. Travers, Dring, and Skyes, C. S. 27 July, 1749. That £10 be allowed for providing an entertainment at Black Rock Castle on 1 Aug., on which Mr. Mayor intends to hold a Court for the con- servation of this Citie's rights to the river and fishery thereof. That £5 be allowed Mr. Robt. Dring for painting the Corporation Gallery inS. Peter's Church suitable to the painting of the Communion table of said Church. That £5 15s. Sid. be paid Mr. Mayor, several sums paid by him as charges ...
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