12 Sep., 1738. A Council summoned for 4 o'clock; for want of members no business.- Russell Wood, D.-Clk. of Council. 16 Sep., 1748. Ordered, that the passage between the North end of the Root Market and the North West angle of the Bridewell be paved, and that Jehosophat Hulcatt do oversee said work. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Busteed; Alden. Millerd, Croker, Fuller, Owgan, Lavit, Taylor ; Mr. Browne, and Skeys, C. S.
24 Oct., 1748.
Daniel Crone, Esq., Mayor. This day the Mayor and Sheriffs, as such, took the oath of a Council Man. That the Chamberlain pay a bill of Exchange for £10 7s. 6d. drawn by Mr. Walter Palliser on the late Mayor, for newspapers for the use of the Corporation. That George Harrison, printer, be paid £3 15s. 6d. for printing-work done from 13 Oct., 1747, to 26 last May. That John Plaince, Brewer, be admitted free paying £10. That £300 be paid Mr. Mayor to the sallary of £200 already granted, so as to make same £500. Whereas some persons have broke part of the Town Wails eastward of the South Gaol, and therein fixed a door and door-case, ordered, that said door, &c., be removed, and the breach stopped with sto1;1es and mortar, and that J ehosaphat Huleatt oversee said work. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriffs Chatterton and Reily, Mr. Recorder ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Jackson, Fuller, Owgan, Lavit, Taylor, Millerd, ~Tun.; Mr. Dring and Skeys, C. S. 2 Nov., 1748. Whereas it appears by the examinations of several persons that the Constables of the watch and several gentlemen of this City, assistants to said watch, in order to prevent the robbing of houses in the night time,
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