Resolved, that a Petition be laid before the House of Commons, in the name of the Mayor, &c., for vesting in the Chief Magistrate of this City for the time being the office of Weighmaster, under the Butter and Tallow Act, and that our Representatives be applied to, to attend Eaton Stannard, Esq., Recorder of Dublin, to draw up said Petition, which is to be in sub- stance agreeable to a plan now lying before this board, intitled, "Reasons conceived for supporting a Petition from the Mayor, &c., of the City of Cork, to the Hon 1• House of Commons, relating to Weighouses," &c., ami that they use their best endeavours for obtaining such Act. That Anthony, only son of William Lane, dec., be adtnitted a freeman at large. That £3 5s. 9d. be paid Ald. Winthrop by him expended for printing- work in 17 45. Present- Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Owgan, W estropp, Winthrop, Travers, and W etherall, C. S. "I agree to all the above orders except the application to Parliament concerning the Butter Act, and that for the reasons following, viz., ''11Y. That it is a matter of so great consequence to the trade of this City that the same should be debated and considered in a full Council, and not on a Council on a second summons, which has been a frequent objection to business of great consequence. "21Y. That the paper produced to this Council~ in my opinion, has not been properly considered or digested to be laid before the Parliament. " Lastly. That our Representatives of this City ought to have been timely and properly applied to for that purP.ose. Therefore, I do protest against said order. "JOSEPH AUSTIN." • A Council summoned for 4 o'clock ; no business for want of a sufficient number.-Robt. Hoare, Clke. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Busteed and Hodder ; Alden. Millerd, Croker, Owgan, Winthrop ; Mr. Travers, Dring. Browne, and W etherall, C. S. (No date.)
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