Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Bury and IIolmes; Alden. 1\fillerd, Austin, Croker, Owgan, Westropp, Winthrop; }fr. Travers, Browne, and W etherall, c. s. 21 Sep., 1747. Second summons served ; by the C. S. not attending could not proceed to business.-Robt. Hoare, Clk. of Council Present-Mr. Mayor, ~fayor Elect, Sher. Holmes; Ahlcn. 1\Iillerd, Croker, Owgan, Fuller, Westrop; Mr. Travers, Dring, and Browne. 28 Sep., 1747. It is the opmwn of this Board that it will be of advantage to tl1is City to have two Fairs yearly held at the Lough, one on Tues<lay and Wednes- day after 25 March, the other, Tuesday and Wednesday after 15 Aug. Ordered, that Mr. Hoare apply to the Government for Letters Patent for said Fairs over the two Fairs hitherto hel<l. That a New Milk Market be built in the Old Market Place, to a plan by Ald. Croker, and that Alden. Croker, Owgan, Westropp, and Rob. Travers, Esq., oversee said work, and that Thos. Clemmens, who has proposed to build said Market-place at the rate of 38. 6d. a perch, be employed to per- form the mason's work. That £16 118. Sd. be paid John Croker, Esq., Corporation Agent in Dub- lin, his bill of costs due in several causes, and for the approbation of the present Mayor, &c., and enrolling the certificates. That £32 128. 2d. be paid llobt. Hoare, Esq., his bill of costs, due in several 1a w affairs. That £3 138. 4d. be paid Edwd. Richardson, Esq., bill of costs in several causes. That £7 168. 2d. be paid Messrs. Isaac Bussy and Wm. Lawton, account for candles. That £3 68. 11d. be paid George Harrison, Printer, for work done 17 44, and £2 178. 1d. printing-work done 1746-47. That £4 18. 2~d. be paid for printing-work done by Ald. Bennett, in the Mayoralty of Ald. Fuller, and that £2 68. 4!d. printing done by said Bennett in the Mayoralty of Ald. Parker, to the executors of said Bennett.
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