Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That £13 6s. be paid Robt. Travers for 42 Kilderkins of Barley delivered to Hugh 1\fillerd, the younger, Esq., for supplying the markets for the use of the poor in 1740, over and above the 1000 Kilderkins ordered by the Council to be sold on that occasion. That for the future no person shall be admitted a freeman at large on account of his servitude, who within nine months from the day of the perfection of his indenture doth not register the same in the Town Clerk's office; and that this order he posted up on the Exchange. That £3 7s. 5d. be paid Willm. Owgan, by him paid to George Harrison for printing-work. That £19 17 10!d. be paid Edwd. Stockdale for candles for the Corpo- ration. Present- Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, Sher. Bury and Holmes ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Farren, Parker, Rob. Travers; Mr. Browne, Ald. Fuller, C. S., Ald. Parker, Owgan, Winthropp, and Mr. Dring.

10 Sep., 1747.

'{ That Bellingham Boyle, Esq., Collector of the Port of Corke, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. It is the opinion of this Board, that it would be of great advantage, and increase the revenues of this City, to have three fairs held at the Lough every year, and that the committee consider what days will be most con- venient, and to inquire whether by our Charters we can establish such fairs, and report; and in case we have not, that Mr. Hoare have an order to apply to the Government for a Patent. That Ald. Croker assist Mr. Danl. Crone, collector of the gateage, in executing the directions we have ordered Mr. Hoare to sign for the better regulating the gateage and customs of this City. - Present--Mr. Mayor, Mayor Elect, Sher. Holmes ; Alden. Millerd, Croker, Newman, Fuller, Parker, Owgan, Winthrop, Westhrop; Mr. Rob. Travers, and Tho. Browne. 17 Sep., 1747. No business for want of sufficient number.-Russell Wood, Clk. of the Council.

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