That 9 shillings be paid Nicholas Seymour for sconces nnd burners furnished to the Corporation. That £11 14s. 3d. be paid the Widow and Administrators of Abrahm. Allen, who kept the Sign of the Sun for stabling the lwrse guard's horses of the Militia during the last year. That £3 19s. 3id. be paid ~fr. Geo. Hodder for two silver boxes for the freedoms of Capt. Ephm. Cooke and 'Vm. Bristow, Esq. That £1 11s. 6d. be paid Garrett llodnett for stabling the horse of the 1\filitia Horse Guards last year. That £11 be paid 1\fr. Richd. Good for furnishing the Corporation with an account of all ships and their cargoes invoiced at the Custom !louse for five years and one half past. Whereas the Mayor, &c., did perfect a bond dated 3 Sep., 1741, to the Revd. Arch d. Tho. Russell and Ambrose Jackson, Esq., for £380, conditioned for payment of £190 and interest, which bond is now vested in Mr. Will. Clarke, ordered, that on said Clarke's giving un said bond to be cancelletJ a
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