tested for non-payment, and hath since been paid under protest for tho honour of the drawer, and whereas the question was put whether the bill shall be paid by the Corporation to the person who under protest so paid the same for the honour of the drawer, a poll being taken for payment of bill, 14 votes against G votes, ordered, that the Bill be paid. That Alex. Stuart, who served Holland Goddard, 1\fercht.; John Webb, Mercht., only son of James Webb, dec.; Edward, only son of Richard llonrc, Esq., dec.; Andrew Peace, Apothecary, who served Charles llery; George Piersy, Mercht., eldest son of James Piersy; Joseph Lavit, Mercht., eldest son of Walter Lavit, Esq., Mayor; Rowland, eldest son of Jchn Raymond, Esq.; Thomas Good, Mercht., who served Ald. Winthrop; William Wheeler, Mercht., who served Joseph Popham, Mercht.; Saml. Austin, Mercht., who served Ald. Austin; George Randall, Mercht., who served Saml. Randall, be admitted freemen at large. That Mr. Robt. Newenham be paid £25 by quarterly payments, as Adju- tant of the Militia of this City. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Ald 80 • Knapp, Hawkins, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Pembrock, Jackson, Farren, Newman, Fuller, Parker, Owgan, W estropp, Winthrop ; Mr. Travers, Dring, N ewen· ham, C. S. "We protest against the order of Council for not complying with tho Commons petition for dismissing the Bill against Ald. Fuller, and to tho order for payment of £50 on account of the law suit against Ald. Fuller being before rejected by the Commons in the Court of D. H." wm. Hawkins, Robt. Atkins, Joseph Austin, Am b. Jackson; Wm. Fuller, Harding Parker. 30 April, 1746. Ordered, that Mr. Sher. Bruce, Ald. Croker, and the C. S. do provide a hogshead of wine and some ~,!!_h to drink His Maj. health this evening, on the arrival of the joyful news of His Maj. Army having conquered and subdued the rebels in Scotland Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriff Bruce; Alden. Atkins, Austin, Croker, Jackson, Owgan, Westropp; Mr. Travers, Browne, and Newenha.m, C. .S.
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