Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



~ two entertainments to the Citizens and Gentlemen of the Army on the day of the King's Coronation and his Maj. birth day. That the Chamberlain accept and pay a bill of Exchange for £50 drawn on him by 1\fr. John Kennedy, agent for the Corporation, their suit against Ald. }....uller, employing lawyers, and other expenses. That £42 19s. Oid. be paid Robt. Hoare, Esq., the Corporation agent, bill of costs in the cause of the Mayor, &c., against Will. Fuller, &c. Preseut-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Croker, Fuller, Owgan, Wcstropp, Winthrop; Mr. Travers, Dring, and Newenham, C. S. 1 Jan., 1745. That His Excellency Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieut. of Ireland, be presented with his freedom in a gold box with the City arms engraved thereon, which box we desire our representatives, Sir Richd. Cox, Bart., and Eaton Stannard, Esq., Recorder of Dublin, to present, the price of the box not to exceed £30. That William Bristow, Esq., Secretary to the Lord Lieut., be presented with his frP.edom of this City in a Silver box. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; AlJen. Hawkins, Millerd, Croker, Jackson, Fuller, Owgan, Westropp; Mr. Travers, Dring, and Newenham, c. s. 20 Jan., 1745. The C. S. this day preferred to this Board a Petition in the name of the Commonalty as follows : "To the Mayor, &c. That the C. D. H. came to a resolution in the words following : That the C. S., in the name of the Commonalty, prefer a petition to the Council that the suit depending against Ald. Fuller and others in the name of the Corporation, be dropped, and that the whole costs be paid hy the Corporation, and your Petitioners will pray.-Rob. Newenham, C. S." On~ poll being taken for complying, 8 votes against 11, ordered, that it be not complied with. Whereas a bill of Exchange for £50, in the suit of this Corporation against Fuller, hath been drawn by Mr. John Kennedy, agent, for costs, takir1g depositions and feeing lawyers, &c., and the said bill hath been pro-

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