Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

A SPANISll SHIP LADEN WITH ARliS BROUGHT INTO THE HARBOUR. 635 Ordered, that 66 Halberts, 44 Drums, 2 Grenadiers' Caps, and 2 pair of J Colours for the foot ~filitia; 2 Standards, 2 Trumpets with tassels, and / one pair of Kettledrums with Banners for the horse Militia of this City, be · forthwith provided on such reasonable terms as Mr. Mayor, Ald. Atkins, Major Persy, Mr. Tho. Browne, and the C. S. can agree for s11me. Present--Mr. ~fayor, Sheriffs Foord and Bruce, ~Ir. Recorder ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Croker, Fuller, Owgan, Winthrop; Mr. Travers, Dring, and Newenham, C. S. 9 Dec, 1745. The Council broke up without doing business, by the withdrawing of AlJ. Fu~ ~r from the Council room before the Council Legan, signed Ly oruer, Russell "\Vood, Clk. of Council. Present--Mr. ~Iayor, both Sheriffs; AlJen. Atkins, ~filleru, Austin, Croker, Fuller, Owgan, \Vcstropp, \Vinthrop, and .lir. Neweuham, C. S. 12 Dec., 1745. Ordered, that Ephraim Cooke, Esq., Commander of the Private Ship of ..-/ \"" war, called the Ambuscade, who has taken and brought into the harbour a Spanish ship loaden with arms and ammunition, and supposed to be bound for Scotland for the Pretender's serYice, be· presented with his freedom of this City in a Silver box for his good service. That Alden. Owgan, Westropp, \Vinthrop, and Robt. Travers, Esq., with the persons appointed by the C. D. II., be a Committee to audit the accounts of the Chamberlain, Collectors of Gateage ami Customs, W aterLailiffs and other officers who receive the revenues of the Corporation, &c. That Alden. Owgan, Westropp, \Vinthrop, and Rob'. Travers, Esq., be a committee to receive such information as Ald. Croker ofters himself ready to give, for preventing the Corporation being defrauded, as it is said they have greatly been hitherto, and for improving the revenues of this City, and report. That .£28 lOs. Sfd. be paid lfr. Thos. Wood, which, with .£6 4s. 3d. formerly paid him by Mr. Dan I. Crone, is in full of said Wood's account for house rent and candles for the Blackpool Guard for 5 years, ending Michrel- mas last. That .£34 2s. 6d. be paid Walter Lavit, Esq., l!ayor, expenses in giving 80-2

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