. 632
That £12 5s. lO~d. be paid Mr. Francis Austen for liveries su:rplied said Blue Coats and 'Change Porter, in Sep., 1744. That £30 8s. be paid Rob. Atkins, Esq., for 38 barrels of ale supplied the A~my at sundry times from 30 Oct., 1743, to 13 June last. That £100 belonging to the poor of Christ Church parish be taken up at 5 pounds for one hundred for one year, to discharge the debts of the Corpo- ration. " The foregoing orders stand vacated, as they are not signed by the Mayor, Sheriffs and Council" Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Croker, New- man, Owgan, Westropp ; Mr. Dring, Travers, and Robt. Newenham, C. S. 20 July, 1745. Mem. I summoned a Council for 5 o'clock this evening, and gave 48 hours notice, and no members attended, but Ald. S. Croker, Amb. Jackson, and the C. S.-Will. Winthrop, Mayor. Sep. 16, do. There only attended Alden. Austin, Atkins, Millerd, Croker, Fuller, and Tho. Browne.-Will. Winthrop, Mayor. Sep. 26, do., do. Sher. Philpott, AlJen. Austin, Croker, Owgan, W es- tropp, Mr. Dring.-W. Winthrop, Mayor. _
17 Oct., 1745. Walter Lavit, Esq., Mayor.
The Mayor and Sheriffs as such took the oath of Common Council men. It appearing that the South Bridge is greatly endangered by throwing rubbish into the South Channel above said bridge, ordered, that Mr. Mayor direct the Waterbailiff that no boat do take ballast in any other place until same be entirely removed. The Council having considered the remonstrance, that the Con1missioners of array are of opinion that in order to execute the 'Orders of the Govern- ment, for training and exercising the Militia of this City, it is necessary ~ that a sum of money be raised to pay for what Colours, Drums, Standards, Halberts, and Grenadiers' Caps should be necessary, ordered, that the afore- said materials be provided, and that Mr. Mayor, the Sheriffs, Ald. Atkins, Jackson, and the C. S. be appointed a committee.
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