Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



co.:ks, the other at the suit of Ald. Fuller, and whereas the present ~Iayor, &c., have given judgn1ent in favour of the first attachment, notwithstanding that on the second judgment was first obtained, and whereas an order has been made by the Uourt of King's Bench for an attachment to the Tipstaff to issue against said Mayor, &c., for giving said judgment, unless cause be shown to the contrary next term. It was proposed that the expenses of defending said order be defrayed by the Corporation ; the question being put, there were 13 for and 4 against passing said question; ordered, that the expenses be paid. Ordered, that a state of the Citie's case with regard to the Salt Barrel made use of for measuring and discharging salt now time out of tnind, and which the Commissioners of the llevenue have directed their officers here not to suffer to be longer nmde use of, ue forthwith drawn and laid ueforo Philip Welsh, Esq., one of His 1\Iaj. Council at Law, in order to his laying before the Commissioners the evil of altering the said Darrel, and that Mr. Hoare fee said 1\Ir. Walsh. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Cox and Philpott; Alden. Atkins, Millcrd, Austin, Huleatt, Jackson, Newman, }""uller, Owgan, W cstluoiJP; Mr. Dring, Carre, Travers, and Browne. 10 .April, 1745. That Robt. Hoare, Esq., be paid £101 4s. 9d., law expenses for sending up to the Court of Exchequer certificates of several Mayors, &c., sworn into office. That £23 Os. ld. be paid to John Croker, Esq., his bill of costs for appro- bation of the present Mayor, &c., and opposing the Mandamus brought by the Brewers for being sworn under their Charter. That £5 18s. IOd. be paid to Edwd. Richardson, Esq., one of the six clerks in Chancery, his bill of costs in the cause of the Mayor, &c., against Ald. Fuller, and said Mayor at the suit of Richd. Davies and his wife. That £14 19s. ld. be paid John Richardson, Chandler, for Candles sold and delivered for the use of the Corporation, from 26 Sep., 17 43, to 25 Sep., 1744. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sheriffs Cox and Philpott ; Alden. Knapp, Millerd, Huleatt, Croker, Farren, Newman, Owgan, Westropp; Mr. Browne, and Gaggin, C. S.

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