Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

CAP. ROGER BRETTRIDCtE'S CHARITY. 627 That George Norris, Mercht.,·who served his father, William N., Mercht.; Henry, eldest son of Henry Wallis, Esq., dec.; Robt. Williamson, Mercht., paying £30; Addis, only son of William Busteed, dec.; J~mes Chatterton, Gent., only son of Thos. C. Mason, dec ..; Stephen Denroche, Mariner, paying 5 pounds ; and Dan 1• Engain, Merch t., only son of Dan I. E., dec., be admitted free. Present-Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs, Mr. Recorder ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Croker, Farren, Fuller, Parker, Owgan, Westropp ; Mr. Dring, Travers, Browne. and Gaggin, C. S. 19 Jan., 1744. Whereas Capt. ·Roger Brettridge did, by his last will, devise the lands of Drumcummer to the Mayor, &c., for ever, for the uses in said will, and amongst others that the surplus of rents and profits arising out of said lands after the payments to be made to seven poor men in BrettriJge's Hospital shall be disposed of towards the binding apprentices the chilJren of poor .) soldiers of the Protestant religion, if such be had in the City of Corke or liberties thereof, and if no such children are to be found, then such other poor children of Protestants, whose parents are not able to put them out, and did thereby direct that after the death 9f his, the said Bretridge's wife, Standish Hartstong, now Sir Standish H., during his life should have the nQm.ination of such poor men and children, and after his death, then for ever after the Mayor and Recorder of Corke, and the Minister or Incumbent of S. Mary Shandon and their successors, shall have the nomination of such poor Protestant men and children, or any two of them whereof the incum- bent of said Church to be one, and whereas there is a surplus of the rent of said lands in the hands of Mr. John Maunsell, the Recorder ; ordered, it be applied towards the binding the children of poor soldiers, Protestants, and if such be not found, such other poor children of Protestants whose parents are not able to put them o11t. Present-Mr. Mayor, Slier. Philpott ; Alden. Atkins, Austin, Croker, Jackson, Fuller, Owgan, Westropp ; Mr. Carre, Dring, and Browne. 8 Feb., 17 44. That the middle loft in the Come Market be the place appointed as an .Axmory to keep such arms as shall be received from the Government for 79-2

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