Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


We protest against the above order, because the Parish of S. Finn Barry's is not mentioned in the said order, and that the saiJ Parish ought to have Lamps and be lighted as well as the other Parishes for the benefit of all inhabitants.-Joseph Austen, Harding Parker, Aug. Carre, James Piersy. Present--Mr. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Parker; Mr. Carre, Dring, Browne, Piersy, and Allenet, c. s. 28 June, 1744. (No business recorded.)-Present--1\Ir. Mayor, both Sheriffs; Ald 0 n. Hawkins, Atkins, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, Owgan; Mr. l\{orrison, Browne, Piersy, and Allenet, C. S. 3 July, 174-!. Mr. Richd. Gaggin, C. S., took the oath of a Councilman as Common Speaker. That Arthur, eldest son of the Revd. John Pomeroy, ike., Archdeacon of Corke, be admitted free. This day Ald. Fuller and Ald. Parker, having petitioned the Council to be allowed their expenses in defending a complaint for a breach of privi- ledge made against them to the Hou~e of Lords by the Lord Bishop of Corke and Ross, on account of their quartering soldiers in 8". Finbany's, said aldermen, before the question was put, withdrew from the Council Chamber by order of the Board, according to the rules. The question being put, it was ordered, that £258 188. 4d. be paid in full of all demands concerning said complaint, affidavit being made that so much has been expended. That £30 be paid Robt. Hoare, Esq., his expense in attending the House of Lords with the Charters. That Thomas Light, Mercht., who served Stephen Winthrop, Mercht., be admitted free. The case of Joseph Bennett, Esq., concerning a lease made by his father, Mr. Edward Bennett, to one John Bohilly, of a house and plot of ground in Bandon Road, which said Joseph alledges was mortgaged to Miles Martin in trust for the Corpo~tion, ordered, that it be referred to the Mayor, Sheriffs, C. S., Ald. Atkins, lh. Hoare and Wood. That £239 108. 6d. be paid Mr. John Dennis for timber for building the 79

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