Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



within the City; ordered, that copies of the City Charters and said Charter obtained by the Brewers be laid before the Recorders of Cork and Dublin, for their opinion, and that Mr. Hoare fee them and have their opinions, whether the Mayor or any of the Justices of the Peace of said City are obliged or not to swear the 1t{aster and Wardens of said Company. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding ; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Croker, Geo. Fuller, Jackson, Wm. Fuller, Pa1·ker, Owgan; Mr. Carre, Travers, Dring, and .Allenet, C. S. 11 March, 1743. That the Hone. Genl. Philip Bragge be presented by the Town Clerk with his freedom in a Silver box. That the Rt. Hon. Wm. York, Esq., one of the Justices of the Common Pleas and Justice of Assize for this Circuit, be presented by the Town Clerk with his freedom in a Silver box. That the Clerk of the Council or his Deputy do attend the Recorder to get him to draw up an address to his 1t{ost Excellent 1tfajY., to assure him of our intense abhorrence of the Pretender, his sons, or any persons that should countenance or undertake any thing to disturb his MajY. in our present happy Establishment, preserved and supported by His Maj•. great care, and that we are ready to support His Maj. with our lives and fortunes. Whereas we have great reason to believe that His Maj•. fleet commanded by Admiral Mathewes have defeated, and, in a great measure, destroyed, the combined fleets of France and Spain, ordered, that as soon as the news be confirmed, that the Mayor cause two hogsheads of wine to be bought and bottled to entertain the General officers and principal Inhabitants of the City at the Council Chamber. Present--Mr. Mayor, two Sheriffs, Recorder; Alden. Atkins, Millerd, .Austen, Croker, Jackson, wm. Fuller, Parker; Mr. Carre, Traverse, Dring, Browne, and A11inet, C. S. 3 .April, 17 44. Whereas the Brewers of this City have served the Mayor, &c. with a 'nandamus from the Court of King's Bench to swear the Master and Wardens appointed by a Charter which said Brewers have lately obtained, infringing the priviledges of our Charter, ordered, that Mr. Hoare i.mploy

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