'Varham, eldest son of IIeywaru S. Lt·~er, Esq. ; Tiobt., cldt•st son of F.aton Stannard, Esc1re.; Charles Hilliard, clothier, who served I:uLt. l,cllican, do., Le admitted free. Present-1\Ir. 1\Iayor, both Sherin·~; Alden. Knapp, IIawkin~. Atkin9, lfillenl, Austin, IIulcatt, Croker, I•embrock, Jackson, 'Vm. }'ullcr, l,nrkcr, lir. Carre, Dring, Browne, Allinct, C. S., and :\Ir. I•icrsy. 19 St·p., 17 43. This day the following Tiontls were lodgetl in the Corporation Clwl'\t : A Bond verfectcd hy llr. ,J USl'ph Frauklyn Ullll Jo.Alrnowl Knapp, E~·lr., for £l<i00 for Fmncklyu':i tli:ichargiug 1ai:i olliec of Chamberlain. Like by l\Ir. Stephen IIopkius, l'hamb., aml Hugh li1llcrd, Es•l·• anJ llr. Skeyes, for £2000 as al,.,ve. Three Bonus, each of £:500, 1,erfectetl l>y F..Jmd. Knapp, .Tolm Coltlm~t and Edwd. Hoare, the younger, Jo:s'h \\.. cighmaster:o~ of this City, mul their securities, to wit, Henry llatmix Recurity for Altl. Knapp, John Ban-y fur John Culthurst, and Hugh l.awton for J•:,}wd. Hoare. Tlmt Abrahan1 Puttham, mariner, eltle::st son of Lewis 1,. Cooper, (lee., ho admittc•l free. That 13 shilling~ a-year l,c allowctl to such pcr~on n~ shall l)C aJ,puinted to erect nntlmaintain Lights in this City an•l I..ilJCrtit!~, Jmrl'luaut to llll Ac~t lately mat.le, for each lamp to he ~rcctetl awl maintaine•l therein, awl that. thereout the sum of one shilling a-yl'ar for each lamp so crectctl be annu- ally paid by such person tu the Cluuuherlain fur tho usc of tho Coi'}J(>rntion, until they be rciwburscJ the money CXJ»entlcu in obtaining saitl Act, and when repaid, the sum of 12 shillings a-year, ant.l no n10re, be allowed for such person for erecting ant.l maintaining, &c., each of said Lam}>S, and who shall be appointed, shall brive a bond for said 12 pence. T11is day, Henry '\1lt!tcroft. and Thomas :\Iitchell "·ere appointed to erect and maintain Lights in this City and Liberties, on condition that they givo security within the tunc mentioneJ in saiJ Act, fur the ilischtll'fJC of their duty, which is :n days. Present -llr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Smith; Alclen. Hawkins., Atkins, Au.c~tcn, Huleatt, Croker, Pembroek, Wm. Fuller, l)arker; Mr. Car'I'C, Dring, Browne, Piersy, and AJJinet, C. S.
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