Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



the grountl on which their houses lately stoou in th~ Xorth HuburLs, for the benefit of the pul,lic, to rauge on a line from saiu l\Iark'::~ house to tho builuiugs of Benj. \\"cthcrall, to remain for ever part of tho common street, saiu sum of .£:!0 to l1e pa.iJ saill ¥ cill<Uli upon trust for saill :Moxley nnc.l liarks in one month next after they shall Lt•gin to LuilJ their sovcrul houses to tho front part thereof. Present-:\Ir. Mayor, Sher. Smith anJ 1\Iillcrtl, l\Ir. Hecurtler; Ald~:a . . Knapp, Ilawkins, llenuett, .c\tkin:i, :\Iillertl, Austin, IIulc.,tt, Croker, ],em- brock, Gco. }..uller, Jackson, },LUTen, X ewman, \V•u. },ulh·r, l,urker, Bnul- shaw; lir. Carre, Tr-..Lvers, Hriug, awl .Urowut!. \Ve agree to tho hefure mcntione•l urder~, uut prutc~t ugain:~t tho Sheriff.i signing llt!Xt to the Mayor.-.Juseph .Austin, llardiug I•arkt•r. 11 July, 17-l:J. This Day, Mr. l\Ioscs .Allcnett, Common Hpcakcr, \Va:J S\Voru as such into the Council The question being put, whether shall Lamps bo erccteu in Sha1ulon, Paul's, l)etcr'3, anc.l Chri::~t Church I•arishes, allll ulso in the l'arh measurcu without South Gate, as the statuto uirech, or not; the JJlelllhcr:t }lfe~ent being poleJ, there a}I}Jearcu fur the (l'lClitiull nine, agaiU!it it thrt•c, anu five who votcu neither· for nor against it, hut iu gcncr-.U fur lamp~ Leiu~ crectt...U in the whole City anu Liberties; orueretl, that tho lam1)~ Lo uccortlingly erected. Prcsent-!\Ir. Mayor, Sher. Bmith nncl !.Iillertl; AIJl'D. llawkius, Dennett, Atkins, Austin, lluleat, Croker, Pemhrock, Geo. }..ullcr, Jack:tuu, Newman, \Vaa. },ullcr, l)arker; l\Ir. Carre, Tr-..Lvcr~, Uring, llrownc, 1\lolies Allonctt, C. S. (postea), .Aiel. },arrcu. We, tho unuerwrittcn, are tho persons who voteu for the Lamps to be lighted throughout the whole City and LiJ,crties, pursuant to Act of Par- liament: Joseph .Austin, .Amh. Jackson, 'Vm. },uller, Harding I•arker, Aug. Ca.rrt!, Tho. Browne. 15 Jul!J, 1743. That Henry Cavendish, Esq., Collector of the Port of Cork, Le presented with his freedom in a silver box. That John Colthurst, Esq.; John I:oger- son, Esq.; Heywood, elc.lest son of 'V arham S". Leger, Esq., dec.; Jleury, 78-2


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