Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



and not pursuant to the laws and rights of tlris Corporation.-Harding Parker, Jo. Bennett, Recorder; Wm. Hawkins, Jo. Austin, Geo. Bennett. I agree to the above and protest against the Sheriffs signing before me. -Amb. Jackson. 18 .Ap?_"il, 1743. Whereas fishing with nets in the Lough of this City greatly tends to the destruction of the fish in said Lough, and the spawn, ordered, that no per- son shall for seven years fish with any net or nets in said J.ough. That Mr. Francis Austin's bill for cloathing the Blue Coats and 'Change Porter for 1742, £11 16s. 6d., be paid. That Danl. Satterford be paid 14s. Sd. for hats for the Blue Coats and 'Change Porter. That Mr. Thorn. Price's bill for tar barrels, from 1738 to Nov. last, £11 7s., be paid. That Mr. Hoare write to Mr. John Croker, attorney in Dtlblin, to enter a caveat in the Hanaper, against issuing any writ ad quod damnwrri for holding fairs or markets on that part of the lands of Carrigrohan, in co. Cork. It appears by an inquiry this day, held on writ, directed to the Sher. of this City, that such fairs would be a damage to the Mayor, &c.~ to the value of £100 per ann~m, and also to the inhabitants of said City. That Mr. Mayor write to the Government to know their pleasure in relation to a letter written by the Corporation .to them, 10 Ap., 1741, con- cerning the building a magazine for keeping the citizen's gunpowder. That William, eldest son of Meade Dunscombe,dec.; Boyle Travers,mercht., who served Tho. Bousfield; John W., mercht., eldest son of Benj. Wethe- rell, dec. ; George Baxter, butcher, eldest son of George Baxter, butcher, dec. ; John Sankey, mercht., who served Messrs. John Harper, Henry Mitchell and John Armstead ; Rich d. Norris, mercht., who served his father, Wm. Noms, mercht.; Oliver Wheeler, mercht., who served Jon. Hingston; John Gifford, eldest son of Lieut. Gifford Craven, dec. ; Christopher Beare, butcher, who served Stephen Grant, butcher, dec. ; James Eyre, only son of James 'V akes, gent. ; Thomas Wise, butcher, eldest son of Francis Wise, dec. ; John Perry, mercht., who served his father; Saml. Perry, gent.; John Cos- sard, mercht., who served his father, Peter Cossard. That the Chamberlain pay ~Ir. John Yeamans £20, to be by him paid to Saml. Moxley and Edwd. Mark, in consideration of their giving up part of

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