Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


said ort.lers having been this day read over, resuh·ed, that same nrc hcrcl,y approved and continneJ. That tho lion. Arthur Dawson, Esq., one of tho Barons of Ilis 1\Iaj. Court of Exchequer, one uf tho Judges thi~ present .A.::;::~izcs, be I>rcscnted __ , with his freedom in a Silver Box. That the persons hereinafter mentioned be impowcrctl as a Committee to consider what numher of lamp:i are requisite to l't! erecteJ within tlli~ City and liberties thereof: llr. llayor and .Ald. Croker, out~iJo tho South Gate, and S. Nicholas ; Ald. Bennett and Sher. Smith, for Christ Vhnrch parish; .Ald.l\Iillcrt.l and llr. Dring, for St. Peter's parish ; AlJ. llradslmw and Mr. Carre, for St. Paul's Parish; Ald. lluleatt and Ald. Jacktron, for Shandon l 1 arish; and every member of Council to havo power to join with the before-mentioned gentlemen in said regulation auJ report. That public notice, to be aflixed to the Exchange, ho given by order of Mr. llayor, to the several workmen in this City, for their giving in pro- • posals for making 400 lamps. That tho Bills of Costs of Mr. John Kennedy, .£G2 9lf. G~<l., 1\lr. lloh". Hoare, .£26 7s. Btl. in the cause of the Corporation n;.;ainlit Ald. :Fuller u.nd others, be paid. That said Hob". Iloare's bill of costs, .£23 lis. 11<1. for ncar three years' agency and approbations for seveml Mayors and Sherin~, ending last of Oct., be paid. That Mr. Iloare fee the Tiecorder fur his advice concerning a writ ad quod damnum,, lately issued to the Sheriff:i, fur holclin~ four fairs yearly, for eYer, at Carrit:,'l"'han nts. Killcc,rrohan, and the Uecort.ler to attend tho () utqmry. That Mr. Hoare fee tho Rcconler anti other lawyers as he shall he directed by the Mayor, for opposing the granting of a Charter which the Brewers of this City nre endeavouriJ1g to obtain, and for opposing any Charters which any others shall endeavour to obtain. Present-- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Smith and llillerd, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Knapp, Hawkins, Bennett, .Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Hulcat, Croker, Pem- brock, Geo. Fulle1·, Jackson, Farren, Newman, Wm. Fuller, Parker, Brad- shaw ; M.r. llorri"on, Cam, Travers, Dring, and Browne. We }'I'Otest against the charges of the Law Suit commenced against Ald. Wm. Fuller, as the order for sueing him was most irregularly obtaint>fl, 78

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