commenced or carricu on at the expense of this Corporation, against Wil- limn Fuller, late l\fayor of this City, anu against all parties touching the trust rcposeu in him with regard to Corn, meal, and flour; the moneys issucu to pay for same; to have pa~ticular accounts of the sale of all corn, &c., disposed of for the use of this City, and that persons Le appointed for conducting said suits. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Taylor and Winthorp; AlJen. Knapp, Millertl, Jiulcatt, PcmLrock, Farren; l\fr. Owgan, Travers, Dring, anu Com. Speaker. 12 Jan., 1742. Willtn. Owgan, Esq., Mayor. The two Sheriffs took the oath taken Ly the Common Council, as Sheriffs. The Common Speaker also was sworn. That Ald. Milleru, Mr. Carre, Dring, and TraYers, with the persons nominated by the C. D. H., be appointed to settle the several puLlic accounts of the Chamberlain, W aterbailiff, and other officers of this City. That Tho. Clements be paid £15, one year's salary, for paveing the streets. That .£3 17s. ld. be paid Aid Bennett, for books and printing work for the use of the Corporation. That .£22 4s. 4d. be paid John Richardson, chandler, for candles from Oct., 1741, he making oath before the Mayor of the truth of his account. The Charters of Queen Eliz., James 1., and Charles I., also the two old Council Books some time since delivered to Mr. Recorder, were returned and lodged in the Corporation chest. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Smith and Millerd, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Hawkins, Bennett, Atkins, Millerd, Austin, Huleatt, Croker, G. Fuller, Jackson, Farren, Newman, Wm. Fuller, Parker; Mr. Morrison, Carre, Travers, Dring, Browne, and Wade, C. S. 28 March, 17 43. Whereas the Council broke up 12 Jan. last, before the several orders of that day (and mentioned in the next proceeding page) were signed, and the
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