Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

RECOnDEn TO DELI\"'ER l"P TilE OLD COl"Nt'lL I!OOK, 1-:n·., TO 1'111-: ~1.\YOR. til.)

quently Jas. Culwell; Euwartl Pierst•, having set-vt•tl llollantl Cotltlanl, mercht.; John }'leming, .Jun., having sen·etl .John .Fleming, ~t·u.; l:etl- mond, eldest son of James Barry, l:stj., dt·c.; Tiol'Crt Ash, eltlL•st awlunly son of I!oger Ash, dothier; .Just•J•h, having served hi:-~ father, }'ram·is Gray; Joseph, eldest sou of Tho. Haddock, dt•,·., nntl J ohu S.uul. Tan•rm·r, l1aving served the present llayur, lJc athuittetl free. That £2 138. Ud. l1e }laitl ..Atlam N cw1uau, Estj., l1y him l'X}1entletl fur printing the n.~size of Lrcacl, &c. That Danl. Sullivan, having served I:oLert Jldlican, Clothit•r, dec., he ad- nilttcu free. That llr. IIoare he empowert•d to tr('at with the Tip..;tatr of the Court of King's Ticnch, and treat with him for clearing the clmrgt·:-~ of an attachment awarded against Ald. I•arker on the comt•lnint of Tho. Kl'ightly, and that he have power to draw for wlaatsoe\·er he shall <.·umpomul for. That the Chamherlain pay l\Ir. Juna!i Hevon:-~hirc all rent, arrear~. &c., 'lue to hin1 from the Corporation, fur the grouwl uf the Cnttlu llarket. That the Chmuhcrlain 11ay Etlm' 1 • l:oclll', Escj., guardian uf }'rancht I:odlt', gent., all arrears of rent out of that 1,urt of the Exchaugo hcltl uwler Haiti J:oche. That 1\lr. Iloare lay the Charters of this City (which nrc to he taken before t11C House of l..orcls) l)t.'fore :\lr. Hccurtler, for his }JCrusal in J•reseuce of one of the Sherin's anJ Cum. ~pcakcr. I.,..esent---:\Ir. l\layor, Hher. Taylor ami 'Yinthrop; Alct•·n. KnnJip, Hl'n- nett, Atkins, liillertl, Iluleatt, Crc,ker, l'emhrock, },arrcn, Newman; 1\Ir. Carre, Ow;;,ran, Tr~vers, Dring, Browne, anJ U. S. I approve of all the forl•going orJers exCl'}•t nclmitting Tiol.crt A!ih free without reference to the U. H. II., he not having Hen·etl seven years to a freeman, ami being only the eltlest son of a freeman now liviug.-,Vill. Owgnn. 18 Dec., 1741. That the neconler lleliYer up the OIJ Council Book, with any other Dooks or Papers belonging to the Corporation of this City, to 1\Ir. 1\layor, on his demanding or sending for -.,. same. That one or more Dill or Dills in equity be filed, or suit or suits at Law

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