Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


llaldwin; Sheriffs T~ylor and Winthrop; Mr. Carre, Owgan, Travers, Dring and Browne. We protest against the order, because a motion was made to postpone the question to another Council day according to usage; the question was, notwithstanding, put, and especially against appointing the Sheriffs Presi- dents of tho Council being contrary' to the Charter and Common Geo. Bennett, Rob. Atkins, Jos. Austen, Geo. :Fuller, Amb. Jackson, Aug. Carre, Tho. Browne. 27 }{" ov., 17 41. Whereas the Mayor was served with an order of the Committee of the llouse of Lords, dated 24 Nov., that he should attend said Committee on Monday, 14 Dec. next, with Charter of King James I., that of Eliz., and King Charles I. Ordered, that the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Comon Speaker do deliver said Charters to Mr. Robt. Hoare, and that he attend said Com- mittee with said Charters. That Thos. Hungerford, having served lfessrs. William and Parr Thomp- son; William, eldest son of Edwd. Travers, Esq.; John Sweet, having served Sheriff Winthrop; William Skeys, mercht., having served Benj 0 • Winthrop ; Dodsworth, eldest son of Alex. Mitchell, and John eldest son of George Rye, Esq., dec., be admitted free. That Mr. Russell Wood be admitted Deputy Clerk of the Council, taking the customary oath, and keeping their debates secret. That Francis Roch, Jun., having served Francis Roch, Sen.; Thomas, eldest son of Charles Cottrell ; Joseph, eldest son of Richard Harrison ; ~fr. G. Godfrey, eldest son of Sam 1• Godfrey; Henry Wigmore, having served lfr. Thos. Wade, be admitted free. Also, that Honl. Henry Hamil- ton, Esq., Collector of Corke, be presented with his freedom in a silver box. Present-~Ir. ~Iayor, Sheriffs Taylor and Winthrop, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Knapp, Dennett, Atkins, ~Iillerd, Huleatt, Pembrock, Fuller, Jack- son, Farren, Newman, Baldwin ; Mr. Carre., Owgan, Traverse, Dring, and Browne. 2 Dec., 17 41. Air. Russell Wood sworn Deputy Clerk of the Council That Mr. Stephen 'Vhite, having served Boyle and Lennox and subse-

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