Taylor, having serveu hi~ brother '\"illia.m; auu Joseph GuLbius, haviug served .J O:il'}'h llio~, },e admitted free at large. l,resent-::\Ir. ::\Iayor, ::\Ir. I:ceorclt•r; .A lclcn. Hawk in~, l1ennl'tt, Atkinl'l, Austen, liuleatt, nal·lwin, "PIQ. Fuller; Slll'rill:'i Fulll·r allll Clarke; llr. Owgau, D1·iug, Urownu, PierSl')', ::\Iillcrd, aucl U. S. 10 Oct., 17 41. J:ichal'l l1ra.lslaaw, Es•!·· ::\Iayor. 1\Ir. 1\Iayur, awl ~lr. :-\hl'r. Taylor, auJ lir. :-\her. \\"intlu·up sworn Vunlll'il Meu chuiug the time they are :-\hcrifr'i. By cmler of Uuuudl, 1~ :4c•p., to apply fur nn Act to t•rect l..:unp!i; in easo we cannot ohtain saicl Act, we clesire our Ht•}n·esPntativc:-~, Eumu•. Piggot, E~•t-. and ~Iatthew l )cane, E~·h to apply that the powc.~r of erel'liu~ Haiti lamps may l,c VPstecl in them, niUl we orclcr the ChumLcrlaiu to unswer such bills ns they shall c.lmw fur ulJtaining said Act. Jlreseut-llr. Mayor, 1\Ir. l:ccortlcr; .Alctm. Jiawkinl'l, Bemwtt, 1\lillc.•rcl, Atkins, Austin, lluleatt, Croker, }·uller, Ualuwin, ,V. }'ullcr; llr. Uwgan, Dring, Tho. JJruwue, 1\IillcrJ, nllll C. ~. limn. ?tlr. }[ayor surumoned n Council upon nn extroorclinnry occasion for this uay, Lut there being a di~puto between the Hherifr ancl J:eeonler, in fCS}Ject to tJla.ce, ~[r. l[ayor l'roposL'cl that caeh of tlwm shoulcl cltcHJiiU a lawyer to peruse the Charter, which is to take place, nwl make tlwir awurcl. The Mayor was ol,ligecl to acljourn the Council without doin::; any hlL'iineK.'t, to prevent further JisllUtcs.-18 Oct., 1 i 41, UuV. Hoare. 24 ~· ov., 17 41. Tho question being put, whether tho llayor nnd Sheriffs nrc tho presi- dents of this Council, there w~rc 11 for nnu 10 against it ; onlorcd, that for the future they be deemed presidents. That the dispute between the Sheriffs nnd Recorder in relation to place in the Council be referred to the Lawyers. Present--lir. 1\Iayor, 1\Ir. Ticcordcr; AIJn. Knapp, Dennett, Atkins, Millerd, .Austin, lluleatt, Croker, G. Fuller, Jackson, }'arren, Newman,
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