Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


5 Jan., 1740. It appears 'that the House of Commons of Great Britain have under con- sideration an act to prohibit for a time the exportation of corn and other provisions out of Great Britain, Ireland, and his Majy's. colonies in America, and it is apprehended if butter be included in said Act it would be of the brreatest prejudice to the kingdom in general and the trade of this City in particular; ordered, that Mr. Robt. Hoare apply to 1\ir. Recorder to draw up a petition against Butter being incluued in said act, to be laid before the Lords Justices, and to transmit same to the Lord Lieut. Present-Mr. :1\iayor, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Millerd, Austin, Huleat, Croker, Jackson, Wm. Fuller; Sheriff Fuller ; :Mr. Browne and Lane, C. S. 14 Jan., 1740. That the apartment wherein Mr. Borson apothecary lately lived, and that now in the possession of Ellinor Soully, both the City Court House, and adjoining the main guard, be put in repair for the safe keeping of the Fire Engine of this City, and keeping the coal bought for the use of the Corpora- tion, and that Mr. Mayor, Ald. Wm. Fuller, and Mr. Tho. Browne do oversee the work and keep the Engine in repair for twelve months, and employ proper persons for said purpose at the charge of the Corporation. Present-Mr. Mayor; Alden. Bennett, Millerd, Huleat, Croker, Jackson, Wm. Fuller; both Sheriffs; Mr. Carre, Dring, Browne, Piersey, and Lane, c. s. 31 Jan., 1740. Px prgry e' 90"PSU § *ex lZq§ AlcJ §gm qrpkrr tttaa ,.~n11Qated to

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