11 Oct., 17 40. Hartling Parker, E~•h 1\fayor. lfr. Mayor sworn Councilman, with Shm·ifJ:i .Fuller nthl Clarke. Aiel llillcrd this day protluced on oath hi~ account of the corn bought nnd solc.l for the U:ie of the poor anti what he Jnlic.l, anc.l thoro appearing no Lallance, ordcreu, it be laic.l before C. V. 11. That Mr. Hugh llillerd's account this day proJucctl on oath of tho corn bought and solc.l for the poor, &c., it appears that .£24 19s. 11<l. hallanco is in his hands, referred to C. D. H. That .£151Jer annum be paid lfrs.lleher Lane, whlc.low of Willirun Lane, bUl"Jess, as a pension on account of the misfortune of tho late firo, which greatly damaged her house. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. I:ccorder; Alc.lco. Dennett, Atkin~, lfillcrtl, lluleat, }..uller, Jun.; Sheriff~ }"ullcr nn<l Clarke; llr. Carre, Dring, Tho. Browne, anc.l Lane, C. S. 28 Oct., 17 40. No business done.-lloh. lloare, Cler. of Col. Present--llr. lfayor; Alden. Dennett, llillerd, .Jackson, Croker, 'Vm. Fuller; both Sheriff~; Mr. Carre, Tr.1ver3, Dring, Browne, and Lane, C. S. 19 1tov., 1740. That Sheriff Fuller be paic.l .£27 148. 4d. for clothes for the Exchango Porter, the Blue Coats, and lodc,rings for the Speaker. Thnt Mr. Carre and Dring examine llr. John llaunsell's accounts of the Green Coat and Dretridge's Ilospitals, and report. That the Corporation take up at interest .£600 at 5 ~r cent., towards discharging Corporation debts. Present-Mr. Mayor, Mr. Recorder; Alden. Bennett, Millard, Croker, Baldwin, Fuller, both Sheriffs; Mr. Carre and Owgan.
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