Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



That George Crofts, Cooper, whose father served Ald. Christopher Crofts, and said George having served most part of his apprentiship to Henry fitz Gerald, a freP-man of this City, be admitted free at large paying 5 guineas. Mr. Mayor produced this day, on oath, his account of the Corn bought and sold for the use of the poor, and the money he received on said ac- •count from the Chamberlain, and what he paid the Chamberlain ; and there appearing that the sum of £359 148. lld. ballance is in the Mayor's hands, ordered, that said account be laid before the C. D. H., and that the Mayor pay the ballance to the Chamberlain. This day the Common Speaker was sworn in Council. Present--Mr. Mayor, Mr. Mayor elect, the Recorder; Alden. Bennet, Atkins, Austin, Baldwin ; both Sheriffs ; Mr. Carre, Browne, Piercey, and c. s. 4 Oct., 17 40. That Mr. Hignet Keeling's Bill for an entertainment for the Speaker of the House of Commons and one of the Lords Justices, amounting to £85 128. (to which he was sworn), be paid. That Mr. Robt. Hoare's Bill of cost for law business, £80 3s., be paid. That £10 lOs. 9d. be paid John Dennis for timber for making South Gate; also £22 8s. Sd. to John Ireland, for ironwork for same ; also £9 12s. 3d. to Thos. Daunt, for workmanship. That £7 28. 7d. be paid John Dennis for timber for South Shambles; also £3 48. 5d. to same for timber for Blackrock weir; also 188. 7d. for timber for repairing Fishamble Bridge. That £6 168. 6d. be paid Ald. Atkins and Mr. Lane, C. S., to be by them distributed as they shall think fit among the persons that were active in extinguishing the late fire which happened at the Glol;>e; also £1 2s. 9d. paid by :Mr. :Mayor to people on that occasion. Present-:hir. ~fayor, Mr. Mayor Elect, Mr. Recorder ; Alden. Bennett, Atkins, Austin, Millerd, Baldwin ; Mr. Sher. Terry and Phillips ; Mr. Carre, l)rinf!'. Brown, Piersey and W. Lane, C. S.

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